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Name: Intonation of the Altai language (simple one-component imperative utterances)

Authors: А. А. Dobrinina

Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2021Pages 261-271
UDK: 811.512.151 + 81'34DOI: 10.17223/18137083/76/19

Abstract: The paper presents the results of studying the Altai language intonation on the experimental material recorded from six speakers fluent in the Altai language from different regions of the Altai Republic. The recording program consisted of situational single-component imperative utterances. Twenty sentences were pronounced three times each in positive and negative versions, in singular and plural, having different degrees of imperativeness, but without any expressive emotional load. The single-compound motivational statements considered are expressed by imperative or desirable verb forms in the first-, second-, and third-person singular and plural in the affirmative and negative variants. The experimental phonetic study has revealed rising tone to be characteristic for positive and negative imperative one-component sentences, with fundamental tone frequency peaks at the last syllable and there being a possibility for intensity, presumably marking the stressed syllable, to shift within a word-form. The analysis showed the intonation marking of motivational statements to depend on their type: action stimulation, order or demand, are characterized by inclination, a request – by a combined ascending-descending tone, a ban – by a descending tone, advice – both by ascending-descending intonation and declination. In the negative version, in singular and plural, in three or more syllabic sentences on the negative particles -ba / -be, -pa / -pe, etc., there is an even tone or a decrease in the frequency of the fundamental tone. The peak of intensity in such sentences is realized on the last syllable of the verb. In addition, the vowel of the final syllable is usually prolonged.

Keywords: intonation, experimental phonetics, imperative sentence, tone movement, Altai language, PRAAT


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