Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
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Name: “Materials for acquaintance with the Ostyak dialect of the Narym krai” for 1887 of st. Makarius (Nevsky): inflectional verb morphology

Authors: S. V. Kovylin

Ivannikov Institute for System Programming RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation; National research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2021Pages 211-230
UDK: 811.511.21DOI: 10.17223/18137083/76/16

Abstract: This research was dedicated to describing and analyzing the inflectional verb morphology in one of the first Selkup written monuments. The material was recorded by St. Makarius (Nevsky) in the Narym dialect at the end of the 19th century. The research objectives were to formally describe the monument idiom and to compare the idiom with other Selkup materials to identify its features. In the beginning, the information about the first trip of St. Makaius to the Selkups of the Narym krai and an overview of the monument recorded by him are provided. Next, a formal description of the inflectional verbal morphology of the analyzed idiom is given. Also, the materials from different dialects, as well as diachronic data for the Narym dialect, are used to identify the features of the monument. In terms of the inflectional verbal morphology, consideration is given to the following phenomena: the category of mood with subdivision into indicative, latentive, optative, and imperative, with all of them discussed in relation to the category of person, number, and types of conjugation. Also, attention is paid to the category of tense with subdivision into the Present, Past, Past Narrative, “Future Indefinite,” and “the Future Definite or Perfect.” In addition, some phonetic features of the monument are discussed.

Keywords: Selkup language, verbal morphology, dialect, phonetics


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