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Name: Method of visualization (perception) in the plays of Alexander Stroganov

Authors: N. P. Malyutina

University of Białystok, Białystok, Republic of Poland

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2021Pages 113-124
UDK: 821.161.1-2 Строганов: 159.93DOI: 10.17223/18137083/76/9

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the thematization of the perception of the world is implemented in the plays by A. Stroganov: ‘Halo,’ ‘Halo and the Night,’ ‘The Greatness of the Swing,’ ‘Black, White, Accents of the Red, Orange. Control Prints in two acts.’ The analysis of poetics proves that the visualization of metaphors creates the effect of optical illusions, resulting in the action acquiring a symbolic-magical character. The metatheatrical way of multiplying action plans (conditional-substantial and projective-illusory) allows presenting the technique of switching one’s attention to the imaginary elements. Visual projections of parareal events objectify the ability of the characters (and consequently readers/viewers) to see and perceive their inner world. A conclusion is made that in the plays under study, the integrity of the dramatic action is lost, whereas voices, gestures, images-paths, and photographs are constantly pulsating in the poetics of the text, with their ability to visualize the world vision image embodying the performative potential of action. The way to complete the integrity is the reader / viewer’s pre-existing representations and interactive participation in the creation of textual projections of image-metaphors. Such absolutization of a single dramatic technique leads to a multidimensional artistic reading of A. Stroganov’s plays in the context of his theory of pararealism.

Keywords: visualization, image, metaphor, method of vision, A. Stroganov


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