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Name: “…This plan was conceived by me…”: On the background of D. Merezhkovskiy’s forgotten letter to the editors of the “Mir Iskusstva”

Authors: E. A. Andrushchenko

A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2021Pages 87-99
UDK: 821.161.1(091)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/76/7

Abstract: The paper clarifies the circumstances of the publication of a little-known letter by D. Merezhkovskiy in the “Mir Iskusstva” (“World of Art”) journal. The letter was published under the same rubric as a letter by Yu. Ozarovskiy, director of the Alexandrinsky Theatre, a person far from the journal’s editorial board, giving the impression of a public debate between like-minded people. Recreating the details of the struggle for setting ancient Greek tragedies in D. Merezhkovskiy’s translations on the stages of Russian theatres, based on forgotten publications of those years, indicates that the staging of “Hippolytus”, a tragedy by Euripides, was regarded by the “Mir Iskusstva” association as evidence of the effectiveness of their program in the struggle for new theatrical art. It was not D. Merezhkovskiy who played the leading role in this process, as he wrote in his letter, but D. Filosofov, who sought to stage the tragedy as a mystery play. Disagreements between D. Merezhkovskiy and the creative association of the “Mir Iskusstva” appeared later, when their aesthetic, religious, and philosophical views began to differ. However, during the production of “Hippolytus”, these differences did not prevent them from participating in joint projects as a new artistic force. It should be recognized that ancient Greek tragedies in D. Merezhkovskiy’s translations played a part in the his-tory of the Russian theatre: the debate about the concept of performances, the specifics of L. Bakst’s sets, and musical accompaniments was an important step in the development of the theatre in expanding its expressive capabilities.

Keywords: D. Merezhkovskiy, D. Filosofov, Yu. Ozarovskiy, L. Bakst, translation of ancient Greek tragedy, mystery play, liturgy, literary mythologem


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