Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Songs of the Nymylan woman V’alyat (based on the materials of the Complex Expedition to Kamchatka in 1991) Authors: E. L. Tiron Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of folklore
Abstract: For the first time, the paper presents the song creativity of Ekaterina Ivanovna Chechulina (Koryaks name V’alyat) ‒ a native of the Karaginsky district of Kamchatka, bearer of the Koryak-Nymylan tradition. The research is based on the field materials of the well-known Siberian ethnomusicologist, Doctor of Arts, Yu. Sheikin, namely, on the materials of the Complex folklore and ethnographic expedition to Kamchatka in 1991. The research is carried out as a part of the preparation of the volumes of Koryak folklore in the series “Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East”. The author consistently examines the genres of song folklore of the Koryak-Nymylans on the example of V’alyat’s creativity: personal songs sininkin ӄuliӄul and tribal songs yanutsʔinav’ ӄuliӄul, fly-agaric songs lyllʔal ӄuliӄul, lullabies and cradle songs alulukin ӄuliӄul. The description of the song genres of Koryak-Nymylans is accompanied by samples of texts and notes, allowing us to get an idea of the lyrics and the nature of the melodies. This study made it possible to conclude that at the poetic, syllogorhythmic, and compositional levels, there are trends toward more systemic organization, while the modus and intonation components are more unstable, which is characteristic for early-song melodics (E. Alekseev). Based on the material of several songs recorded from one bearer of the tradition, the author reveals the diverse world of folk song genres of Koryak-Nymylans, interesting timbre, pitch, and rhythmic characteristics of this ancient, unique, and original cultural phenomenon. Keywords: Koryaks, Paleo-Asiatic peoples, musical tradition of Koryaks, songs, personal songs, ethno- musicology Bibliography: Alekseev E. A. Yakutskie narodnye pesni: Elektronnaya versiya knigi “Problemy formirovaniya lada: Na materiale yakutskoy narodnoy pesni: Issledovanie” [Yakut folk songs: Electronic version of the book “Problems of forming a modus: Based on the material of the Yakut folk song: A study”]. Moscow, Muzyka, 1976. 288 p. URL: http:// eduard.alekseyev.org/pfl/index.html (accessed: 28.05.2021). Golovaneva T. A., Mal’seva A. A. Golosa koryakskoy kul’tury: Liliya Aymyk [Voices of the Koryak culture: Lilia Aimyk]. Novosibirsk, Geo, 2015, 172 p. Golovaneva T. A., Fedina N. N. Pis’mennye teksty na bespis’mennykh yazykakh kak sotsiolingvisticheskiy fenomen (na materiale chalkanskogo i alyutorskogo yazykov) [Written texts in unwritten languages as a sociolinguistic phenomenon (on the material of the Chalkan and Alyutor languages)]. Critique and semiotics. 2020, no. 2, pp. 167– 190. DOI 10.25205/2307-1737-2020-2-167-190 Novikov V. T. Vnachale byl ritm: Etnograficheskaya ekspeditsiya po Kamchatke [In the beginning, there was a rhythm: An ethnographic expedition to Kamchatka]. Nauka v Sibiri. 1991, no. 38 (October), p. 7. Rodovye melodii i tantsy koryakov-nymylanov s. Lesnaya, Kamchatka [Family song and dances: Coastal Koryaks (Nymylans): Lesnaya, Kamchatka]. E. Kasten (Comp.). Fyurstenberg, 2016, 160 p. Society and Folk Art of Indigenous Peoples in Kamchatka Region. Center for Language Studies, Otaru University of Commerce. 1998, March 31. Soldatova G. E. Polevik, issledovatel’, pedagog (k 70-letiyu Yuriya Il’icha Sheykina) [Fieldworker, researcher, teacher (to the 70th anniversary of Yuri Ilyich Sheikin)]. Languages and folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. 2019, no. 2 (38), pp. 99– 103. Tiron E. L. Pesennyy fol’klor koryakov v zapisyakh i publikatsiyakh: istoriografiya i perspektivy etnomuzykovedcheskogo izucheniya [Song folklore of Koryaks in records and publications: historiography and prospects of ethnomusicological study]. Siberian Journal of Philology, 2019, no. 1, pp. 9–25. DOI: 10.17223/18137083/66/1 Tiron E. L. Pesennyy fol’klor koryakov: istoriya sobiraniya, izucheniya i publikatsii [Song folklore of the Koryaks: the history of collecting, studying and publishing]. In: Fol’klor paleoaziatskikh narodov: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Folklore of the Paleo-Asiatic peoples: Materials of the International Conference]. Yuzhno- Sakhalinsk, 2019b, pp. 296–307. Tiron E. L. Temp i metodologiya ego issledovaniya (na primere pesen todzhintsev) [Tempo and methodology of its research (on the example of Tozhu songs)]. In: Otechestvennaya etnomuzykologiya: istoriya nauki, metody issledovaniya, perspektivy razvitiya [Domestic ethnomusicology: history of science, research methods, development prospects]. St. Petersburg, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 375–388. |
Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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