Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Constructions with the particle iyne expressing fear and caution in the Tuvan language Authors: A. V. Bayyr-ool Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper examines the combination of the form of the present-future participle on =ar and the particle iyne expressing the meaning of fear and caution in the Tuvan language. The verbal analytical constructions with the combination considered are described structurally and semantically. The form =ar + particle iyne does not have a complete personal-numerical paradigm: it is used only in the 3rd person singular and in the 1st person singular with the word kiži ‘person’. This form expresses the general semantics of fear and caution uncomplicated by additional meanings, is used regularly and in both finite and infinite functions. Consideration is given to the semantics of complex sentences in which the grammaticalized form =ar + particle iyne forms a dependent predicate. Concerning the terms known in linguistics to describe this meaning, the form =ar + particle iyne can be defined as apprehensive by most criteria. The paper provides the author’s observations on the use of this form in the oral speech of native speakers of the Tuvan language and examples from folklore texts. Such a grammaticalized form in the Tuvan language might be due to the influence of the Mongolian languages, in which separate moods with corresponding grammatical markers are distinguished. This form is suggested to be distinguished as a marker of a specific mood with the meaning of fear and caution in the system of grammatical forms of the Tuvan verb expressing the relation of action to reality. Keywords: Tuvan language, grammar, mood, particle, participle, verbal analytical constructions, semantics, apprehensive Bibliography: Bayyr-ool A.V. Otglagol’naya chastitsa iyik v analiticheskikh konstruktsiyakh uslovno-soslagatel’noy semantiki v tuvinskom yazyke [Verb-derived particle iyik in Tuvan analytical constructions of conditional and subjunctive semantics]. Humanitarian Sciences in Siberia. 2009, no. 4, pp. 93–97. 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