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Name: Interuniversity scientific seminar “Transient phenomena in language and speech,” in memoriam of Professor Vera Vassilyevna Babaytseva (Kolomna, February 10, 2021)

Authors: I. V. Vysotskaya

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Scientific life

Issue 3, 2021Pages 336-340
UDK: 811.16.1 + 81.119 БабайцеваDOI: 10.17223/18137083/76/25

Abstract: This review provides the summaries of reports presented in the scientific seminar “Transient phenomena in language and speech” dedicated to the memory of Professor Vera Vassilyevna Babaytseva, which was held online on the digital platform of the State University of Humanities and Social Studies (Kolomna, Russia). The seminar included a presentation of a paper by Babaytseva on the syntactic functions of the pronouns ty and vy that remained unpublished during the author’s lifetime. Also, a number of reports on topical issues of the Russian syntax were presented: the functioning of stable comparisons svetlo kak dnem and temno kak noch’yu in the structure of an impersonal sentence; the semantics and syntactics of predicatives vidno and slyshno in a complex sentence with complement clauses; performative inseparable utterances; variability in language and speech in correlation with the concept of “norm” when related to the word as a lexical or syntactical system unit; the contrast of the conditional-temporal logical-grammatical model (N1 – eto kogda...) and the explanatory one (N1/Pron – eto pro N4). The information on the works of recent years implementing the ideas of the structural-semantic direction of modern Russian studies was introduced at the seminar.

Keywords: V. V. Babaytseva, syntax, semantics, syntactics, function, syntactic structure


Babaytseva V. V. Predlozheniya s bezlichno-predikativnymi slovami v sovremennom russkom yazyke (bez infinitiva) [Sentences with impersonal predicative words in modern Russian (without the infinitive)]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Moscow, Institut yazykoznaniya, 1955, 12 p.

Babaytseva V. V. Tvorcheskoe nasledie: bibliograficheskiy ukazatel’ [Creative legacy: a bibliographic index]. T. P. Gus’kova (Comp.). Moscow, FLINTA, Nauka, 2016, 221 p.

Bednarskaya L. D. Ot znamenatel’nogo slova k sluzhebnomu: ot slova-nominativa k slovu-relyativu [From content word to auxiliary word: from a nominative word to a relative word]. Orel, Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev, 2019, 223 p.

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