Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 4, 2018

Study of folklore

Yulia V. Limorenko
Names of weapons and armor in folklore monuments and in their translation: problems and solutions
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Anna A. Grinevich
Structural organization of Kazym Khanty ritual bear songs
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J. Rouhier-Willoughby
The study of legends in Western Europe and the USA in the 20th and 21st centuries
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Study of literature

Tamara V. Panich
The vision of Peter Artemiev from his letter to his father and its role in the text structure
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Tatyana A. Makhnovets, Lubov V. Titova
«Povest’ o Khmele» in the literary process of the 17th century
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Tatyana I. Pecherskaya
On the narrative effect of the authenticity of memoirs of Elizaveta Vodovozova
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Valentina E. Golovchiner, Alinda V. Herber
«I know the power of words...» or the metapoetics of the poetry «An order to the army of art» of V. Mayakovsky (on the 125th anniversary of the poet’s birth)
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Veronika B. Zuseva-Özkan
The «Penthesilea» triptych and the image of the woman warrior in the works of Sophia Parnok
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Valeriy V. Maroshi
Between myth and literary anthropology: Ket ethnicity in contemporary Russian literature
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Marina N. Kiseleva
Who we are: gods, wise men, men? Cavafy’s «But the wise men apprehend what is imminent» in the interpretation of Joseph Brodsky
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Natalya N. Shirobokova
Language contacts in the history of the Yakut language
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Elizabetta Ragagnin, Baiarma Khabtagaeva
Some notes about «arc(h)olino» / «coccolino» in the Book of the Marvels of the World by Marco Polo
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Elena Yu. Bulygina, Tatyana A. Tripolskaya
Explication of ideological semantic components in active type dictionaries
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Elena V. Tyuntesheva
Lexical-semantic equivalents of Altai labor verbs in Turkic languages of Southern Siberia and Kipchak languages
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Firdaus G. Khisamitdinova, Gulnaz N. Yagafarova, Rimma T. Muratova, Madina R. Valieva
The role of somatisms in the Bashkir toponymy
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Zhanna V. Krasnobaieva-Chorna

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Sergey S. Butorin
Variability of morpho-syntactic coding of patient objects in Ket: detransitivizing
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Natalia P. Perfilyeva
Metaconstructions: the semantic-pragmatic aspect
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Lyyudmila А. Araeva, Мaria N. Obraztsova, Аnastasia V. Proskurina, Fatma E. Abdullayeva, Guo Lihong
Realization of thought in a language: propositional frame-based organization of single-root word nests and stable word combinations with a single nuclear component in different languages
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Irina M. Moldanova
The active suffixes of intercategorial word-formation in the Khanty language (the Kazym dialect)
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Iraida Ya. Selyutina
Guttural consonants in the Telengit language in the comparative aspect (on MRI data)
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Natalia M. Azarova
The usage of citation and self-citation in Sololvyov’s philosophical texts
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Аlexandra A. Racheva
The deictic units «zdes’» (here), «tut» (here) and «tam» (there) in oral speech: marking of discursive processes
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Inna V. Tubalova, Yulia A. Emer
The value component of the concept «Ukrainian language» in the discourse of the Ukrainian media (based on the texts of analytical articles)
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T. G. Skrebtsova
Book review: Koshelev A. D. Essays on evolutionary-synthetic theory of language. Moscow, LCR Publ. House, 2017, 528 p. (Language and Reasoning)
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Scientific life

Oksana A. Farafonova
All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «The First Chumakov Readings. Text and Reader» (Novosibirsk, April 27–28, 2018)
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