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Name: Realization of thought in a language: propositional frame-based organization of single-root word nests and stable word combinations with a single nuclear component in different languages

Authors: Lyyudmila А. Araeva, Мaria N. Obraztsova, Аnastasia V. Proskurina, Fatma E. Abdullayeva, Guo Lihong

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2018Pages 205-215
UDK: 81-139DOI: 10.17223/18137083/65/19

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to reveal the specificity of cognition of the world by a person within the range of such a derivational category as a nest of single-root words and stable phrases with a single core component in multi-structural languages. The authors carry out the approbation of the method of propositional frame-based modeling of single-rooted words and established collocations with a common core component within the frame of «horse» in Russian, Teleut, and Chinese. The lexemes and idioms of mutation semantics are analyzed. The consideration of the propositional-semantic filling of nests within the frame “horse breeding”, organizing the derivational space of multi-structural languages, reveals the multidimensional vision of a horse and the associated realities with it. The frame «horse breeding» is implemented within common propositional structures in the nests of the Russian, Chinese and Teleut languages: «subject – action – object»; «tool – action – object»; «place – action – object»; «result – action – object». It means that of significance in multi-structural languages within the nesting space are: the person taking care of horses; the place of horses; horse care products; products obtained from a horse. The lexemes with these meanings are presented in all languages studied, that is, they are core lexemes, denoting the realities with which a person having a horse deals on a daily basis. At the same time, the names of horse colts in the Teleut language are within the limits of other nests, despite the fact that the names of animal cubs are typified in this language. Along with zherebyonok (a foal) in dialects, there is a lexeme loshadyonok (a foal) in the Russian language. However, there is no such a word, as konyonok. In contrast to Russian, the naming of a racetrack in Chinese was found within the boundaries of the nest analyzed. The names of horse colors in the Chinese and Teleut languages are fixed within one nest with the core word «horse». In Russian horse names, the colors are noted in other nests. These facts testify to the peculiar categorization of the world in different languages: the core units in the nesting space of some languages may be absent in the nesting spaces of other languages.

Keywords: multi-structural languages, propositional-frame modeling, nest of single-root words or stable word combinations with a single vertex component, word-formation type, ethnic linguistic worldview


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