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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Аlexandra A. Racheva Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper focuses on the study of the functioning of deictic units with spatial semantics «zdes’», «tut» and «tam» in oral discourse. The work involves text materials from in-depth interviews recorded for «Oral history of Irkutsk» project. The main goal is to identify which types of oral discourse usages applied to deictic units are essential and which are peripheral. The prototypical function of these units is traditionally considered as a reference to space, while in narrative mode, they are often used as an anaphora that refers to a spatial antecedent. The analysis of the interview texts revealed that the functions’ repertory is not limited to only these two types; moreover, they do not always form the absolute majority of uses. It has been found that «zdes’» (here) is characterized by almost exclusive spatial uses while the use of the other types is minimal. The spatial interpretation for «tut» (here) is possible only in half of all cases: in oral discourse, this unit often has a temporary or situational meaning. However, «tut» (here) often leads to a greater meaning diversity than «zdes’» (here). In some cases, «tut» can act as a means to organize a narrative that is to perform a discursive function. «tam» (there) is also used half the time with reference to a spatial antecedent. In some cases, the differentiation of spatial and non-spatial uses of «tam» (there) is possible only when based on prosodic criteria. There is about 20 % of nonspatial uses where «tam» (there) is used as an anaphora that refers to the non-spatial antecedent. In addition, this unit is actively used as a means of marking of various discursive processes associated with the evaluation of speaking information: uncertainty or insignificance of explicate information, negative attitude to the described situation, the need to pause to recall the words/phrases, the uses which can be characterized by specific of this information to illustrate a common situation. Thus, in oral discourse, «tut» and «tam» (especially «tam» in most cases) may have discursive functions related to the organization of the narrative. Keywords: discourse, oral speech, oral discourse, deictic units, discursive functions Bibliography: Apresyan V. Yu. Tut, zdes’ i seychas: o vremennykh znacheniyakh deykticheskikh prostranstvennykh slov [Tut, zdes’ and seychas: on the temporal meanings of deictic spatial words]. In: Russkiy yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii [The Russian language in scientific attention]. 2014, no. 27, pp. 9–41. Apresyan Yu. D. 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