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Name: Metaconstructions: the semantic-pragmatic aspect

Authors: Natalia P. Perfilyeva

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2018Pages 195-204
UDK: 81.367, 81.37DOI: 10.17223/18137083/65/18

Abstract: The paper deals with the pragmatic functions of metaconstructions in the context and their role in revealing the systemic relations between semasiological metatextual indicators according to the «in + adjective + sense/meaning» model. The author introduces a definition of the term «metaconstruction» and makes a difference between a metaconstruction (as a phenomenon of constructive syntax) and a correlative pair of the semasiological metatextual indicators functioning in a text. The purpose of the work is to analyze the pragmatic functions of the semasiological metatextual indicators within construction and the system relations between them by integrating semantic-pragmatic and constructive approaches. The classification of metaconstructions is made depending on syntactic connections (conjunctive/non-conjunctive) and а semantic status of a conjunction-connector. The analysis of the various conjunction metaconstructions made it possible to conclude that their type is associated with the specific pragmatic function in the context: of actualizing some lexical-semantic variations of a wordtopic or the only meaning and providing the linearity of a text in combination with splitting a topic. The metaconstructions are considered from the perspective of semantic syntax. The metaconstructions, in which the conjunction connectors (и or как…, так и…) explicate conjunction proposition, may perform both pragmatic functions. The gradational metaconstructions, as well as conjunction ones, are characterized by the function of actualization of two lexical-semantic variations, with one of them being emphasized by the author. The metaconstructions, in which adversative connectors explicate the proposition of opposition, perform the same pragmatic function – the actualization of one of two possible meanings of a word-topic. The ability of the semasiological metatextual indicators to join into metaconstructions indicates the existence of the system relations between them: additional, аntonymous аnd synonymous. The regularity of using the metaconstructions with the conjunction connectors means that a person of ordinary metalinguistic mentality has the clear idea of the semantic structure of a polysemantic word. An adversative conjunction-connector explicates the antonymous relations. In this case, a speaker pays attention to the contrast of direct and figurative meanings, in contrast to conjunction metaconstruction, when the metatextual indicators emphasize the integrity of the semantic structure of a lexeme. The synonymous relations in non-conjunction metaconstructions are irregular, are expressed implicitly, and due to non-differentiation of semantics, they are contextual.

Keywords: a construction, a semasiological metatextual indicator, conjunction metaconstruction, non-conjunction metaconstruction, a pragmatic function, system relations


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