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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Marina N. Kiseleva Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The subject of the paper is Joseph Brodsky’s reception, perception and poetic interpretation of the Cavafy’s poem «But the wise men apprehend what is imminent». The comparative analysis of both poetic works is implemented on the basis of our own linear translation. The dynamics and the sequence of different oppositions such as gods / wise men / men; to perceive / to apprehend; future / what is imminent / things as they happen; ignorance-ill infinity / change of consciousness is observed. Cavafy’s Modernist hymn to the prophets, to which he related the figure of the Poet, is converted by Joseph Brodsky to another plane of impossibility to overcome the Time transcendentally. Cavafy’s wise men are given in the situation of the divine revelation whereas Brodsky’s sages do not reveal but call to the memory of once already known things. Thus, it can be suggested that Brodsky translates the metaphysical plan of Cavafy’s poem into the anthropological plan of the human history with its endless repetition. So, the image of «the forgotten motive» appears in the translation, intertwining with the Ancient Socratic idea of the «inherent » knowledge. For the men, the existence, listened-apprehended by the wise men, breaks up, and thus the Time breaks up but not into the past (the past in this hymn to the prophets is absent) and the future (it entirely belongs to gods) and not even the present as the present is hic et nunc in the Greek sense of the indivisibility and wholeness of existence also does not exist. However, there are only «the things as they happen», in other words, «bad infinity» as the repetition of the same mistakes without profiting from the unfortunate experience. That is the rhythm of the life of «street», «city», «satrapy» etc., where endless adhesion of causes-effects is incessantly recurring again and again, where the «happening» time and everyday life are reduplicating, tripling and multiplying without switching to the pattern in with once and forever the sense, the meaning is extracted. Keywords: wise men, men or gods, Cavafy in the interpretation of Brodsky, but wise men apprehend what is imminent, Cavafy and Brodsky, who we are Bibliography: Akhmatova A. Poema bez geroya [Poem without a hero]. St. Petersburg, Bibliopolis, 1995. Bowersock G. W. Cavafy and Apollonios. Grand Street. 1983, vol. 8, no. 3. URL: http://www.cavafy.com/companion/essays/content.asp?id=14 (accessed 19.01.2017). Brodskiy I. Naberezhnaya neistselimykh. Trinadtsat’ esse: Per. s angl. [Embankment of the incurable (Fondamenta degli incurabili). Thirteen essays: transl. from English]. Moscow, Slovo, 1992. Dal’ V. Tolkovyy slovar’ zhivogo velikorusskogo yazyka: V 4 t. T. 1 [The explanatory dictionary of the live Great Russian language: in 4 vols. Vol. 1]. Moscow, Rus. yaz., 1989. Mamardashvili M. Lektsii po antichnoy filosofii [Lectures on ancient philosophy]. Yu. P. Senokosov (Ed.). Moscow, Agraf, 1999. Sukhanov V. A. Problema esteticheskoy real’nosti v rabotakh G. G. Shpeta i M. M. Bakhtina [The problem of aesthetic reality in the works of G. G. Shpet and M. M. Bakhtin]. In: Tvorcheskoye naslediye Gustava Gustavovicha Shpeta v kontekste filosofskikh problem formirovaniya istoriko-kul’turnogo soznaniya (mezhdistsiplinarnyy aspekt) [The creative heritage of Gustav Gustavovich Shpet in the context of philosophical problems of the formation of historical and cultural consciousness (interdisciplinary aspect)]: G. G. Shpet / Comprehensio: Chetvertye Shpetovskie chteniya: Materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf., 14–17 noyabrya 2002 g., Tomsk [G. G. Shpet / Comprehensio: Fourth Shpetov's readings: Materials of the Intern. sci. conf., November 14–17, 2002, Tomsk]. O. G. Mazaeva (Ed.). Tomsk, 2003, pp. 379–386. V ozhidanii varvarov. Mirovaya poeziya v perevodakh Iosifa Brodskogo [Waiting for the Barbarians. The World Poetry translated by Joseph Brodsky]. St. Petersburg, “Zvezda” publ., 2001. Yangfel’dt B. Yaazyk est’ Bog. Zametki ob Iosife Brodskom [The language is God. The notes about Joseph Brodsky]. Moscow, Astrel’, 2012. Pontani F. M. Επτά δοκίμια & μελετήματα για τον Καβάφη (1936–1974). Αθήνα, Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα εθνικής τραπέζης, 1991. Δρακόπουλος Α. Αιγυπτιακόν Ημερολόγιον του έτους 1900 μετ' εικόνων. Εν Αλεξανδρεία, Τυπολιθογραφείον Ιω. Λαγουδάκη, 1900. Καβάφη Κ. Π. Τα πεζά (1882; –1931). Αθήνα, Ίκαρος Εκδοτική εταιρία, 2010. Καβάφης Κ. Π. Άπαντα τα ποιήματα (εισαγωγή-επιμέλεια: Σόνια Ιλίνσκαγια). Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Νάρκισσος, 2003. Παπαζόγλου Χ. Μετρική και Αφήγηση. Για μια συστηματική μετρική και ρυθμική ανάλυση των καβαφικών ποιημάτων. Αθήνα, Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης, 2012, σ. 532–534. Σαββίδης Γ. Π. Μικρά Καβαφικά. Αθήνα, Ερμής, 1987. Τσουβέλης Σ. Ταξίδι στην ιστορία με τον Καβάφη, Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη. Αθήνα, 1998. Φιλόστρατος. Τα ες τον Τυανέα Απολλώνιον Η’-Θ. Αθήνα, Κάκτος, 1992. |
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