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Name: The value component of the concept «Ukrainian language» in the discourse of the Ukrainian media (based on the texts of analytical articles)

Authors: Inna V. Tubalova, Yulia A. Emer

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2018Pages 273-284
UDK: 81’42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/65/24

Abstract: The paper explores the significance of the value component of the concept «Ukrainian language » in the Ukrainian media (the period of publication of news reports – from 2004 to 2018). Specificity of its implementation is considered in the context of the socio-cultural situation in Ukraine, implying an awareness of the consistent conflict relations of the Ukrainian language with the Russian language. This opposition is also topical in the discourse of the Ukrainian media, which is expressed in the modeling of a predominantly conflicting media-representation of the national language. The study reveals that the concept «Ukrainian language» in the discourse of the Ukrainian media realizes the following value dominants: (1) the value of freedom to use the Ukrainian language; (2) the value of its conservation; (3) the value of the Ukrainian language as an attribute of social prestige. The content and ways of representing these value dominants are examined in accordance with two aspects of the realization of the value component of the concept under study – «ethnic importance» and «state importance». Also, the study shows that the content of the concept «Ukrainian language», implemented in the Ukrainian media, has undergone specific changes over the past one and a half decades: with the overall value orientation being obviously preserved, the concrete value content of the concept is changing. In this regard, the ways of its implementation in the mass media texts are transformed. The stages of these changes correspond to two interrelated political tendencies of Ukraine: the formation of national and state independence and the acquisition of a significant status in the international arena.

Keywords: discourse of the Ukrainian media, the concept of «Ukrainian language», the value component of the concept


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