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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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ArticleAuthors: Zhanna V. Krasnobaieva-Chorna Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The fact that the problem of the correlation of the spatial code of culture and the phraseological level of the axiological world’s image (AWI) was not considered in modern phraseology determines the relevance of the article. The purpose of the paper is to define the specificity of the spatial code of culture on the phraseological level of the axiological world’s image. The main corpus of representing phraseological units of the AWI involves 6,206 units (1,549 Russian units, 1,555 Ukrainian units, 1,550 English units, and 1,552 German units). The illustrative basis of phraseological units-representatives of the value category with the semantics of space comprises 1 000 units. The description of values is done using the method of parametric analysis of the semantic structure of the phraseological unit with the accentuation of the estimated macro component. Quantitative indicators in the study were obtained using a statistical method. Cultural codes are considered as secondary sign systems, using different means for coding a picture of the world. The AWI is stated to be the understanding of the world by a person, fragments of this world and the status of the human person in this world through an appraisal categorization of values and non-values in opposition. The spatial model of the AWI on the phraseological level is represented by the semantic oppositions own/alien, top/bottom, vertical/horizontal, right/left, ahead/behind, close/far away, east/west, where, as a rule, the projections «own», «top», «vertical», «right», «ahead», «far away» correlate with value and show the ability to transfer into the sphere of positive evaluation, projections «alien», «bottom», «horizontal», «left», «west» correlate with non-value and appeal to negatively axiological. The specificity reveals the non-value «death», which is also connected with the «top» (the loci are the kingdom of heaven, God, the creator, the master) and with the «bottom» (the loci earth, grave, coffin, pit, grass). Phraseological ambivalence is found in the value «freedom » when the horizontal location (somatic side and locus stove) is conditioned by idleness, that is freedom, but has a cognitive marker «think that it is bad». Projections «behind», «close», «east» are not represented in the AWI. The spatial code in the AWI in 90 % of cases manifests itself in combination with other codes (somatic, subject, more rarely – biomorphic etc.) and only in 10 % manifests its essential moments as an independent sign system. It is promising to define the features of the time code of culture at the phraseological level of the AWI so that one could better understand the problems of the continuum of the axiological world’s image. 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