Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 3, 2014

Study of literature

Chuvakin Alexey Andreevich
Communication in the stories of the literary journal «Novy Mir»: Shukshin and modernity
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Levashova Olga Gennadievna
«The Lomonosov myth» and the problem of Vasiliy Shukshin’s biographical text
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Maryin Dmitry Vladimirоvich
V. M. Shukshin vs V. G. Belinsky (based on V. M. Shukshin’s draft notes)
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Kulyapin Aleksander Ivanovitc
Chronotope of a restaurant in the artistic world of V. M. Shukshin
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Desyatov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
The prophecy of Alyonka and other themes: cinema allusions in the V. Shukshin’s works
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Malygina Eleonora Vladimirovna
Linguoevocational study of the crisis intercaracter communication in the «third-period» stories by V. M. Shukshin
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Study of folklore

Kuznetsova Vera Stanislavovna
On the plots and motifs of the Slavic folkloric Bible in handwritten books. The second paper
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Study of literature

Zhurova Ludmila Ivanovna
«The Admonitions» in the structure of the Words of the «Sobornik» by Mitropolitan Daniil
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Kovaleva Tatyana Ivanovna
The tail about the vision of st. Kirill Belozerskiy in hagiography of Northern Russia: Lives of Kirill Novoezerskiy and Filipp Irapskiy
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Sochiva Tatyana Alexandrovna
About literary originality of the Book of Interpretations and Morals by protopope Avvakum
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Rastyagaev Andrey Viktorovich, Slozhenikina Yulia Vladimirovna
Sumarokov’s paper «On Versification of Kamchadals» (1759): the Purification of Poetry by Ritual Song
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Sedel’nikova Olga Viktorovna
Parisian Notes in Apollon Maikov’s Traveler’s Diary of 1842-43: on the idiosyncrasies of the poet’s world outlook
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Pecherskaya Tatiana Ivanovna
«Boots squared»: shoe story in Russian literature of the 1840-1870-s
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Koshechko Anastasia Nikolaevna
«The world with God» and «the world without God»: religious and atheistic types of spirituality in an existential axiology of the novel of F.M. Dostoyevsky «Demons»
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Sinyakova Ludmila Nikolaevna
The plot structure of N. S. Leskov’s short story «The robbery»: the genre and anthropological types of a story
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Kozlov Alexey Yevgenyevich
On Some Problems of the Modi and Narrative Modality of the Provincial plots of the Russian Literature
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Chesnyalis Polina Anatolyevna
The book «Alliluya» by Vladimir Narbut: the picture of the world
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Vilesova Marina Leonidovna
Dionysian Сode in the image of the main character in the B.K. Zaytsev’s novel «Golden Pattern»: on the Problem of Literary Anthropology
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Matveeva Diana Andreevna
Redactions of the story «Sub-Lieutenant Kizhe» by Y. Tynyanov
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Anisova Anna Alexandrovna
Phonetic structure of the play «Barrel Organ» by Andrei Platonov
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Sosnina Anna Aleksandrovna
Ideosemantic actualization of motives, connected with the adjective пустой (empty) in the novel «Chapaev and Pustota (Emptiness)» by V. Pelevin
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Ziyavadinova Olga Saifidinovna
Man and nature in the artistic world of I. G. Toropov
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Dampilova Lyudmila Sanzhiboevna
Motive of duplicity in Eduard Mizhit’s poetry
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Vasilyeva Galina Mikhailovna
«Faust and Margarita by Goethe»: аn unknown translation under the monogram N.B.
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Tikhomirova Yulia Aleksandrovna
Russian classical poetry in English language anthologies: strategies of representation
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Butenina Evgenia Mikhailovna
Russian Classics Updates in the Modern Russian-American Novel
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Moskaleva Ekaterina Sergeevna
Strong text positions in the German short story
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Burygina Tatyana Sergeevna
Two Worlds of Archibald Joseph Cronin
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Bolotnov Aleksey Vladimirovich
Reflection of a public language personality’s intellectual substyle in a discourse
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Tsyrenov Babasan Dorzhievich
Terminological vocabulary in Mongolian-Russian dictionaries
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Dyrkheeva Galina Aleksandrovna, Khilkhanova Erzhen Vladimirovna
Linguistic guidelines of the youth of Buryatia: the education system
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Ivanova Nina Innokentyevna
Features of the Yakut-Russian bilingualism: lexico-semantic interference in case of discrepancy between the volumes of word meanings
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Rabenko Tatyana Gennadyevna
Devices of linguistic games in the genre structure of flirtation
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Vysotskaya Irina Vsevolodovna
The review of the book: Babaitseva V. V. Pronoun это ‘it’ and its functional homonyms: monograph / V. V. Babaytseva. – M: FLINT: Nauka, 2014. – 168 p.
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Scientific life

Dolgushina Liudmila Vasilyevna
International Conference «Cyril and Methodius: Byzantium and the World of the Slavs»
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Proskurina Elena Nikolaevna, Nepomniashchikh Natalia Alekseevna
The All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation «The theory of the plot» (Novosibirsk, May 13-15, 2014)
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