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Name: Devices of linguistic games in the genre structure of flirtation

Authors: Rabenko Tatyana Gennadyevna

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2014Pages 233-242
UDK: УДК 811.161.1’DOI:

Abstract: The present paper was written in the framework of a topical genre aspect, motivated by the anthropocentricity of the modern linguistic science. The speech genre of «flirting» claimed to be an object of research, presents itself as a special model of a speech utterance, constructed as a certain complex of genre characteristics. One of these is the linguistic embodiment of a genre, in which a significant place is assigned to the linguistic game. The paper traces the basic linguistic game techniques involved in flirting. The techniques revealed in the course of the investigation illustrate such varieties of the linguistic game as buffoonery (techniques of a speech mask, of a rhyme) and wit (techniques of metaphorical nomination, ironic exaltation or belittling, citation, pun, word formation game). The fundamental conclusion that follows from the study is the assertion that that the linguistic game used in flirting is a part of an integral scenario, called speech genre, with a fixed standard set of linguistic means, including the linguistic game, supported by the game nature of this genre.

Keywords: game, linguistic game, love game, flirting, speech genre, bakhtin


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