Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: The review of the book: Babaitseva V. V. Pronoun это ‘it’ and its functional homonyms: monograph / V. V. Babaytseva. – M: FLINT: Nauka, 2014. – 168 p.

Authors: Vysotskaya Irina Vsevolodovna

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 3, 2014Pages 243-248
UDK: 811. 161. 1DOI:

Abstract: The monograph presents a description of the Russian pronoun это (it) and its functional homonyms on the basis of the ideas of the structural-semantic approach that postulates multidimensionality and takes account of the phenomena of simultaneous transitivity and syncretism. The functional homonyms are the words that match in the sound form, are related etymologically, and belong to different parts of speech. The homocomplex it (это) includes a pronoun, a substantive, a particle, as well as a copulative particle and other hybrid words that combine in different proportions the properties of the said parts of speech. The review highlights the relevance of the study of pronouns and functional ambiguity, notes the uniqueness of the new monograph, its close connection with the ideas of the scientific school, characterizes the compositional eculiarities of the book and the features of the author's style of V. V. Babaitseva. The review also poses the question of the content of the term «homocomplex» and develops the idea of the «cascade character» of the transformational processes.

Keywords: v. v. babaitseva, structural-semantic approach, functional homonymy, homo- complex, multidimensionality, simultaneous transitivity and syncretism


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