Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Linguoevocational study of the crisis intercaracter communication in the «third-period» stories by V. M. Shukshin

Authors: Malygina Eleonora Vladimirovna

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2014Pages 37-42
UDK: 82-929DOI:

Abstract: The paper deals with the study of crisis intercharacter communication by means of evocational methods in the latest stories by V. M. Shukshin. The evocational method is considered as the way of transforming an evocation object into an evocation product. Study is made of the following evocational methods permitting the reader to determine the crisis potential of «fisticuffs»: uncomplimentary nomination, generalization, interruption of speech, and displacement. The evocational methods in the stories by V. M. Shukshin have the following characteristics: firstly, they are generated by Shukshin’s aesthetics (reflections on the category of kindness, revelation of the truth of time through a character, depiction of a «vivid personality», and study of a human soul); secondly, the mentioned methods represent different aspects of «fisticuffs» such as lack of kindness, communicative polarization of characters, forcible denying of another person’s right to speak, and disoptimization of characters’ intercommunication.

Keywords: linguistic evocation, evocational method, intercharacters’ «fisticuffs», crisis communication, v. m. shukshin’s aesthetics


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