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Name: Features of the Yakut-Russian bilingualism: lexico-semantic interference in case of discrepancy between the volumes of word meanings

Authors: Ivanova Nina Innokentyevna

Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous People Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2014Pages 225-232
UDK: 81'27DOI:

Abstract: The paper presents the features of the modern Yakut-Russian bilingualism in the sociolinguistic aspect. An attempt is made to determine its distinctive features: modern social, ethno-linguistic conditions of the interaction and dynamics of linguistic processes affecting the degree of interferential phenomena. Use is made of the basic characteristics of the object under investigation that were obtained as a result of the All-Russian censes in 2002 and 2010 and of the sociolinguistic poll in 14 settlements of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) covering 1829 respondents in 2007–2008. Used in the linguistic part of the work are the results of the qualitative investigation on the Russian speech of Sakha-bilinguals conducted by the authors in 2000–2002 on the material of 17 weekly broadcasts (150 hours) of the National Broadcasting Company «Sakha».

Keywords: sociolinguistic aspect, yakut-russian bilingualism, lexico-semantic interference, the qualitative study, russian opal speaking, bilingual, direct interlingual interference, indirect interlingual interference, intralingual interference


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