Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2010

Study of literature

Anna L. Solomonovskaya
An extract from Corpus Areopagiticum in translations of X-XI and XIV centuries
In detail

Liliana B. Prokopieva
The peculiarities of poetics of M.N. Muraviev's translation of Gorasty's ode To Taliarch (I, 9)
In detail

Elena A. Makarova
Every day I see these scenes... (The last Siberian period of creativity and activity of the Siberian writer N.I. Naumov)
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Anna A. Bogoderova
The Going off situation in Anton Chekhov's prose and drama
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Irina V. Kochetova
Some specialities of using color denominations in a poetic discourse of a Silver century (based on the material of lyrics of A. Beliy, N. Gumilev, I. Severyanin)
In detail

Svetlana V. Nesterova
Comparative analysis of translations of poem "Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen ass…" from the novel of Goethe "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship" by M. Tsvetaeva and B. Pasternak
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Yuliya V. Lykova
Eternal "femineity" and "female" in the poetry of Z.Gippius: aspect of gender
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Elena V. Antoshina
Plot of the novel of V.V.Nabokov " King, queen, and knave " and aesthetics of a mass culture
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Dmitry V. Maryin
Earliest creative works of V.M. Shukshin
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Tuiana B. Balarieva
Earliest creative works of V.M. Shukshin
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Marina P. Abasheva, Vladimir V. Abashev
Poetics of space in the works of Alexey Ivanov
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Natalia N. Podrezova
The category of Body in the lyric poetry of Vera Pavlova
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Aleksndr I. Fedorov
Language situation in Siberia
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Ekaterina P. Vojtenko
Expressive means of khakass heroic epic alyptykh nymakh as an object of folklore lexicography
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Raisa P. Abdina
The Traditional Decoration of the Khakas and their Name Peculiarities
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Aleksandra M. Grebneva
Semantics models of the mordovian names of mushrooms
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Oksana M. Isachenko
Word's Pragmatic Potential and Modern Lexicographing Principles (shown on example of an agentive noun любитель)
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Sergey B. Kozinets
Word-formation metaphor as result of becoming archaic primary value of a derivative word
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Albina N. Shabalina
Frame-propositional semantics of a family of cognate words
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Olga O. Shkil
The lexeme "aimless" in the space of teleological estimation
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Yury V. Kobenko
The analysis of the current state of German in Tomsk region
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Nadezda N. Stolyarova
Communicative history of Altai Germans
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Sergei V. Grichin
On the categorical nature of authorization
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Sofiya A. Maksimova
Language personality typology of readers of literature works
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Marina N. Rassokha
Ethnonyms as identity markers in language and culture
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Marina Y. Ryabova
National language and culture as objects of linguacultural studies
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Raisa M. Skornyakova
The development of the concept keywords' semantic structure as a reflection of the perception (view) of the world by the ethnos
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Tatiana S. Khrebtova
The development of the concept keywords' semantic structure as a reflection of the perception (view) of the world by the ethnos
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Scientific life

Muratova N.A.

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Irina F. Gnyusova
All-Russian conference with international participation "The Heritage of L.N. Tolstoy atthe context of modern humanitarian knowledge". Tomsk, Tomsk State University, September 10-12, 2009 of the year
In detail

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