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Name: An extract from Corpus Areopagiticum in translations of X-XI and XIV centuries

Authors: Anna L. Solomonovskaya

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 2, 2010Pages 5-13
UDK: 811DOI:

Abstract: The paper deals with two Slavonic translations of an extract from Corpus Areopagiticum carried out in X–XI and XIV centuries. Althlough one can observe a certain degree of affinity in the lexis of both translations (42% of common lexemes), the focus of the research is their lexical and morphological differences. The factors influencing the choice of a particular variant are as following: the requirements of the language (dialect), those of a particular literary school (Preslav or Athos), and the linguistic personality and the skill of a particular translator.

Keywords: corpus areopagiticum, slavonic translations


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