Table of Content of Issue 4, 2022
Study of folklore Evgeniya N. Kuzmina
Poetics of the Buryat epics at the decline stage of the epic tradition
In detail
Zhanna M. Yusha
Oral stories about shamanic formation in the folklore tradition of Tuvans
In detail
Ekaterina L. Tiron, Aziyana V. Bayyr-ool
Genre traits of the song tradition of the Tuvans of the Ovyur disrtict of the Republic of Tuva
In detail
Ekaterina I. Ismagilova
Folk song poetry of the Chuvash people of the Krasnoyarsk Krai
In detail
Study of literature Sofya V. Melnikova
The way to Siberia as an experience of liminal situation
in the memoirs of the Orthodox clergy of the 17th–19th centuries
In detail
Natalya A. Nepomnyashchikh
Plots and motifs of the literatures of Siberian indigenous peoples
in the twentieth century: topical research issues
In detail
Kristina К. Pavlovich
Philosophy of synthesis and aesthetics of painting of Ivan Goncharov
in his book of travelogues Frigate “Pallada”
In detail
Vurgun G. Mekhtiev
Quotes and reminiscences from the works of Lermontov
in the antinihilistic novel “Nowhere” by N. S. Leskov
In detail
Lyudmila P. Yakimova
“Three years” by A. P. Chekhov: a story as a novel
In detail
Anatoly S. Sobennikov
Time as “presence” in A. P. Chekhov’s comedy
“The Cherry Orchard”
In detail
Yakov D. Chechnev
The role of the lyrical heroine in the poetry of M. M. Shkapskaya:
to the formulation of the problem
In detail
Valerij V. Maroshi, Kornélia Horváth
On the problem of “physiological” poetics
in the typological aspect: O. Mandelstam and S. Weöres
In detail
Maria A. Aleksandrova
Pushkin as a monument
in the poetic worldview of Bulat Okudzhava
In detail
Galina A. Zhilicheva
Seriality as a principle of narration in contemporary prose
(Nosov, Sal’nikov, Pelevin)
In detail
Aleksandr A. Zhitenev
The associative poetics of the neo-avant-garde text:
“Sebastian in Dream” by Vyktor Ivaniv
In detail
Linguistics Igor E. Kim, Natalia B. Koshkareva, Igor V. Silantev
Etymology as a way of life
(to the 70th anniversary of Academician Alexander Anikin)
In detail
Alexander E. Anikin
From the history of words III
In detail
Olga Yu. Shagdurova
Secondary meanings of directed motion verbs in Khakass
In detail
Firdaus G. Khisamitdinova
Folk terminology of mythologized characters
of the group “craftsmen-professionals” in the dialects
of the Bashkir language
In detail
Iraida Ya. Selyutina
Positional length of vowels
in South Siberian Turkic languages
In detail
Alena R. Tazranova
Complex three-component constructions
of the “adverbial participle – participle” type
in the Altai language
In detail
Irina А. Nevskaya
Typological features of Shor equative
and similative constructions
In detail
Natalia B. Lebedeva, Tatyana G. Rabenko
Substratum of natural written speech texts
in the aspect of genre relevance
In detail
Pavel N. Trushchelev
Expository text grammar and disciplinary knowledge
In detail
Inna I. Minchuk, Tamara A. Pivavarchyk
Code switching in a humorous discourse
of a multilingual network community
In detail
Irina A. Pushkareva
On the language and style of the book “Twenty-two days
from F. M. Dostoevsky’s life (Kuznetsk, 1856–1857)”
by A. S. Shadrina: on the elitist linguistic personality
in the local history discourse
In detail |