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Name: Folk song poetry of the Chuvash people of the Krasnoyarsk Krai

Authors: Ekaterina I. Ismagilova

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of folklore

Issue 4, 2022Pages 49-62
UDK: 398.8(571.51)(=811.512.111)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/81/4

Abstract: To create an adequate picture of the existence of the oral folk art of the Chuvash settlers, it is necessary to characterize individual micro-local traditions. Such traditions include song samples recorded from the Chuvash of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Bolshemurtinsky (1981 year of recording) and Kazachinsky (2009 year of recording) regions. Genre-style composition of songs is heterogeneous. The calendar layer of folklore is represented by Maslenitsa and round dance songs. Life cycle patterns include wedding and recruiting songs. Untimed lyrics includes guest and traditional lyric songs, late lyric samples of the late 19th and 20th centuries, songs with plots and melodies borrowed from Russian folklore, and author’s songs. During youth meetings, ditties were performed in the Chuvash and Russian languages. The texts of ritual and traditional lyrical songs preserved a number of patterns that are characteristic of the Chuvash folk song poetry. These include the aphoristic type of versification, brevity of plot, two-link figurative parallelism. The texts of the songs accompanying the rite describe the ritual actions in detail. Ritual songs most often have a narrow local timing. There is also a supradialect layer of texts of much wider distribution (Siberia, the Volga region). This layer includes samples of untimed lyrics: some guest songs, many lyrical songs (especially of late origin), songs with borrowed plots and tunes, some ditties. Chuvash settlers who came from different places developed a common repertoire, one that includes songs known to most performers.

Keywords: folk songs of the Chuvash of Siberia, analysis of song texts, folklore of Siberian settlers, folklore diaspora


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