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Name: The role of the lyrical heroine in the poetry of M. M. Shkapskaya: to the formulation of the problem

Authors: Yakov D. Chechnev

А. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 4, 2022Pages 140-152
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/81/11

Abstract: For the first time, this paper considers the role of the lyrical heroine in the poetry of M. M. Shkapskaya. The creative attitude of the poetess to the representation of different world views serves as the basis for emphasizing one or another role, resulting in several artistic projections in the poems which can be identified and described. Five roles have been identified: mother, mistress, harlot, mummy, and relative of humanity. The latter two are unique to Shkapskaya’s poetic world, designed according to a specific world view. The other three, that are traditional for poetry, are creatively transformed by the poetess, enriched with new images, motifs, and overtones. Shkapskaya inverts the idea of the mystical ideal of female nature, drawing the reader’s attention primarily to the physiology, eroticism of her heroines. She reflects on the purpose of women, their participation in contemporary culture. Shkapskaya argues against the objectification of women. Shkapskaya argues against the objectification of women. The images of abandoned mistresses, one described in our work, eloquently testify to the subordination of female nature to authority, be it God (the Evil Sower, the Strict Master, etc.) or man. The poetess reflects on the unsatisfactoriness of the current situation, promoting the idea about the profound subordination of a woman being due to her nature. In terms of mythology, this idea becomes apparent through the image of the first mother Eve, created from Adam’s rib and, therefore, representing his derivative, was ranked below the first human being.

Keywords: Shkapskaya, mother, mistress, harlot, mummy, relative of humanity, construction, femininity


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