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Name: Secondary meanings of directed motion verbs in Khakass

Authors: Olga Yu. Shagdurova

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2022Pages 233-242
UDK: 811.512.153:81’367.625DOI: 10.17223/18137083/81/18

Abstract: The paper analyzes the secondary meanings of the verbs of directed motion in the Khakass language, developed due to the original semantics reinterpretation. The semantic analysis has shown that secondary meanings expressing different movements were formed out of the primary meanings. The semantics development of these verbs greatly reflects the spatiotemporal representations of the Khakass people, which are the most important fragment of their world picture. It is in the cases of metaphorical displacement that this semantics is traceable. The analysis of the meanings relating to movement in space and time shows some tendency for secondary meanings relating to movement in space (including metaphorical) and time to develop. Some specificity is observed in the semantics of secondary meanings closely related to primary meanings that convey various movements in the physical sphere. However, the semantics of movement is transferred into the abstract sphere, where the associative transfer associated with spatial metaphor takes place. The primary meanings of all verbs analyzed generally contain the idea of approaching (moving away) something by moving a given object or subject from one place to another. The secondary values are closely related to the primary meanings conveying various kinds of movements in the physical sphere. The verbs of directed motion have proven to be productive in generating mental meanings and meanings related to the mental and emotional state, social relations, and behavior of a person.

Keywords: Turkic languages of Southern Siberia, Khakass language, lexico-semantic group of verbs of movement, lexical meaning, secondary meanings, semantics


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