Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 2, 2009

Study of literature

Ekaterina G. Paderina
Closeness of a Speech Series in "Gamblers" by Gogol. On the Statement of the Question about the Specificity of a Dramaturgic Motif
In detail

Tatiana I. Pecherskaya
Spatial-semiotic Function of Pictures in the Poem "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol
In detail

Study of folklore

Nikolai G. Denisov
On the poetic structure of divine service texts of Old Russian psalms/canticles
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Study of literature

Igor V. Silantev
Lyrical motif in a text written in verse and prose (first paper)
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Oleg A. Kovalev
The subject of a narrative in the light of the problem of identity
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Evgenij A. Surkov
The image of a discourse, "the memory of culture," a text and intertext links
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Natalia N. Kormishina
Some aspects of V.G. Benediktov's metapoetics
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Natalia V. Nalegach
Chinnov's dialogue with I. Annensky (on the statement of the problem)
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Guzel M. Ibatullina
The Mythologem Eros-Logos and its sense generative functions in the story "Garnet bracelet" by A. Kuprin
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Elena Y. Kulikova
The motives of voyages and ships in the essay "Belfast" by V. Khodasevich
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Еlena A. Ivan'shina
On a distorted text in the structure of the play "Crimson Island" by M. Bulgakov: on the problem of translation
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Nadezhda K. Khuziyatova
Development of the subject category in the Chinese literary criticism of the 1980s
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Nikolai N. Sabyanin
On the problem of classifying the genres of adver tising
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Olga I. Blinova
The structure of the "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Siberian subdialect"
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Dmitry V. Maryin
Russian etymology and lexicography in D.Yu. kobyakov's investigations
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Natalia D. Fedyayeva
Normal vs abnormal = expected vs unexpected
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Larisa B. Badmayeva
On the syntactical peculiarities of Ts.Sakharov's cronicle
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Аziyana V. Bayyr-ool
On the syntactic word deerge in the Tuvinian language
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Nadezhda D. Suvandii
International anthroponomy in Tuvan naming practice
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Natalia N. Fedina
The category of possession in the Chalkan language
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Gulnara N. Niyazova
Suffixally formed names in the material culture vocabulary of the Tobol-Irtysh dialect of the Siberian Tatars
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Еvgenia V. Chaichina
Derived nouns formed by productive affixes after the pattern Tn = chy, Tn = lyk in the modern Altai language
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Еlena Y. Pozdnyakova
The language space of the town; linguo-culturological description
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Еlena V. Beloglazova
Polydicursiveness as a text characteristic conditioned by an addressee (as an addressee-conditioned characteristic of a text)
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Sergei P. Kushneruk
Nonterminological multicomponent units of document texts
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Daria I. Navil'nikova
Presenting paradigmatic and syntagmatic bonds as a way of interpreting the results of an associative experiment
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Оlga V. Оrlova
On a cognitive-stylistic and a cognitive-discursive approach to the research of concepts
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Мaria F. Shatskaya
Semantic variation of the predicate in generating a linguistic game
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Viacheslav A. Sukhanov
Shukshin: experience of a complex description of creative work. Preliminary results and prospects. Review of the book: V.M. Shukshin's creative work. Encyclopaedic reference dictionary. Barnaul, 2004-2007. T. 1-3
In detail

Scientific life

Tatiana I. Kovaleva, Natalia A. Nepomnyashchikh
Narrative traditions of Slavonic literatures: narrative forms of the Middle Ages and of the new time
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