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Name: On a cognitive-stylistic and a cognitive-discursive approach to the research of concepts

Authors: Оlga V. Оrlova

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2009Pages 206-212
UDK: DOI: 81.411.2-5

Abstract: In the article two approaches to the study of concepts are considered: the cognitive-stylistic approach and the cognitive-discursive one. Comparing the already existing interpretations of discurse and concept which are found in the contemporary linguistic studies the author gives proof of the topicality of the study of textual concepts of different discursive-stylistic nature (scientific, belles-lettres, media concepts and etc.) in the limits of the communicative stylistic of text.

Keywords: concept, discurse, text, cognitive-stylistic approach, belles-lettres concept, media concept


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