Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Polydicursiveness as a text characteristic conditioned by an addressee (as an addressee-conditioned characteristic of a text)

Authors: Еlena V. Beloglazova

Saint-Petersburg State University for Economics and Finance

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2009Pages 187-194
UDK: 81-42; 8DOI:

Abstract: The present article deals with a new linguistic concept of polydiscoursivity, representing a regular ideologically conditioned set of special discourses reproduced in a certain textual massive. The fact that polydiscoursivity is a complexity factor by the text reception accounts for its being determined by the text addressee parameters: the author has to keep the text complexity within the ideal reader decoding abilities. Thus the texts for the youngest readers tend to be monodisoursive, while discoursive heterogeneity increases as the reader gains age and experience.

Keywords: polydiscourse, interdiscourse, dialogue, cognitive structure, children's fiction


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