Table of Content of Issue 3, 2024
On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor M. I. Cheremisina
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Saule Zh. Tazhibayeva, Irina A. Nevskaya, Anna V. Dybo
The grammatical status of the synthetic marker of comparison -DAy in the Kazakh language
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Aiiana A. Ozonova, Larisa N. Tybykova
Comparative affix -DYy and modal-comparative markers derived from this affix (a case study of the Altai language)
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Lyudmila A. Shamina, Aziyana V. Bayyr-ool
Modal-comparative constructions with the semantics of seemingness in the Tuvan language
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Elena K. Skribnik, Nadezhda B. Darzhaeva
Buryat equative-similative constructions with the predicate adli ‘similar; the same as’
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Natalia B. Koshkareva, Valentina N. Solovar
Comparative constructions with the semantics of equivalence in the Mansi language
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Study of folklore Sofia A. Myasnikova
“Na nashey nivke segodnya obzhinki…” – harvest songs of the Belarusians of the Omsk region
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Valentina V. Mindibekova
Genre of the algys good wishes in the context of Khakass family rituals
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Study of literature Anatoly S. Sobennikov
The myth of the poet in Russian literature: Alexander Pushkin
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Kristina K. Pavlovich
The problem of the artist
in the “Italian prose” of Apollon Maykov (“Picnic in Florence”) and in the novel “The Precipice” by Ivan Goncharov
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Veronika B. Zuseva-Özkan
The black woman warrior in the “Mirror of Virgins,” a miniature play by Lyubov Stolitsa (1917): gender and race in the cabaret theater
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Elena Yu. Kulikova
Oriental bestiary of Mikhail Shcherbakov
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Maria A. Chernyak
The image of the double in the novels “The Gray Suit” by Vasily Andreev and “Someone Else’s Life” by Elena Dolgopyat: exploring the issue of textual homonymy
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Sergey B. Krikh
At the edge of Oikoumene: a Soviet writer about Ancient Egypt
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Evgeniya A. Moskovkina
Role and archetype in the theatrical fairy tale by Vasily Shukshin
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Visakha Verma, Valerij V. Maroshi
“The Trembling creature” as a precedent text in modern Russian literature
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Linguistics Ksenia V. Shindrova
Palatality and palatalization in diverse languages of Siberia (according to MRI data)
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Anastasia I. Tkach
Semantics of verbs through the lens of “passive” and “active” dictionaries
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Mikhail Ya. Dymarsky, Mariya R. Koposova
Towards the intonation design of the so-called unsegmented (thetic) sentences
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Review Tatyana V. Igosheva, Oleg V. Nikitin
Architecture of literary ideas
The book review:
Yakimova L. P. Poetics of Russian literature in semiological illumi-nation. Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 2022, 298 p.
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