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Name: At the edge of Oikoumene: a Soviet writer about Ancient Egypt

Authors: Sergey B. Krikh

Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2024Pages 191-203
UDK: 82-311.3; 82-94; 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/88/13


The paper analyses the origin of ideas and historical material in the early historical stories authored by Ivan Efremov, the prominent Soviet writer. Also, the influence of the historical dilogy “The Great Arc” on the perception of ancient history in Soviet culture is traced. In general terms, this dilogy can be attributed to historical novels while also considering the specifics of the Stalinist historical novel. Three types of sources have been revealed: prerevolutionary historical research, Soviet historiography, and European colonial discourse. The text analysis indicates that the writer was hardly familiar with the contemporary Soviet historiography of Egypt, which may have caused some criticism of his work by historians. At the same time, Efremov’s ideas were based on the works and translations of Boris Turaev. Thus, the prerevolutionary studies provided a general background, with the European colonial discourse partially overcome but still maintaining the adventurous spirit of the narrative. Overall, Efremov’s image coincided with the Soviet image of ancient Egypt as a slave-holding society. However, the focus of his narrative was not on slavery but on the difference between despotic Egypt and freedom-loving Hellas. The study indicates that the notion of the “Great Arc” served as a unifying thread, connecting these three contradictory paths and symbolizing the intercultural unity and the forthcoming oneness of humanity, thus bridging Efremov’s narratives with Mechnikov’s concepts. These were connected with the values of European culture rather than with Soviet socialist realism.

Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Soviet culture, Soviet historiography


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