Table of Content of Issue 2, 2020
Study of folklore N. A. Ursegova
On some regularities of Russian folklore science development in Siberia
In detail
V. S. Kuznetsova
Spiritual verse about Saint Feodor Tiron and its Russian Siberian text
In detail
Yu. V. Limorenko
The plot situation of “drawing a bow that no one can draw”:
variants in the folklore of the peoples of the world
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P. S. Shakhov
“They had a habit of dancing sideways”:
studying the movement component of Mordovian folklore autochthonous
and Siberian existence
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Study of literature A. B. Strelnikova, A. V. Sysoeva
The differential form of reception:
“Le Chevalier double” by Th. Gautier and “Milyi pazh” by F. Sologub
In detail
E. Yu. Kulikova
The surrealist space of Nikolay Gumilev’s ballad “At the Gypsies”
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V. N. Karpukhina
The image of the “Siberian frontier” in Altai publicistic texts
of the early 20th century
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O. A. Tolstonozhenko
“Forest Kings” by George Grebenschikov:
towards the problem of the plot origin
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V. V. Gavrilov
Orphic motifs in the story of V. Nabokov “Spring in Fialta”
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T. A. Bogumil
Mythopoetics of Shukshin’s autobiographic cycle
“From the childhood years of Ivan Popov”
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E. G. Baranova
“The Consolations of the Forest” by S. Tesson –
a new page in the French “Siberian text”
In detail
Linguistics I. Ya. Selyutina
Noisy guttural consonants of the Teleut language in the retrospective
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T. R. Ryzhikova, A. A. Dobrinina, I. M. Plotnikov,
E. A. Shestera, A. S. Shamrin
Intonation of modal interrogative sentences in the Altai language
(on the Altai-Kizhi folklore material)
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N. D. Golev, I. P. Falomkina
Word-formation type in its lexical realization
(to the problem of lacunarity of the word-formation system of Russian language)
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V. A. Gorbunova
Noun derivation through affixation in the Ulch language
(in comparison with Nanai and Orok languages)
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E. V. Tyuntesheva, O. Ju. Shagdurova
Semantic variation of intra-language verb correlations
in Siberian Turkic languages and Kipchak languages
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D. O. Dobrovol’skij, A. A. Urazbekova
Semantic differences between Polish and Russian lexical units originating
from the same source (lekcja vs lektsiya: on cultural specificity)
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N. E. Petrova
Secondary values of verbal adjectives on -emyy- / -imyy-:
sphere of sense perception
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A. V. Degaltseva, M. A. Kormilitsyna
Functioning features of the N1Adv-o model
with the predicate expressed by the evaluative adverb in colloquial speech
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G. F. Lutfullina
Complex sentences expressing the situation of perception in Russian
In detail
N. V. Kuznetsova, O. V. Pochtareva
Punctuation design of explanatory structures with metatextual indicators:
on the example of metatextual indicator v smysle (in the sense)
In detail
T. S. Borisova
17th-century book correction in the history of the Church Slavonic translation
of the Akathist Hymn
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K. I. Dekatova
Cognitive and semiological approach to the study of meaning making of linguistic units
in a literary text
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O. A. Kazakova, E. M. Filippova
The environmental management discourse as an institutional discourse
(a case study based on Russian and American Internet resources)
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T. G. Rabenko
Axiological dominants of the diary genre (based on personal diaries)
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Review M. A. Bobunova
Epistolary story about coming-into-being of a scientific school.
Book review:
A. T. Khrolenko “History of Kursk School of Linguistic and Folklore Studies
in Letters and Documents”. Kursk, Kursk University Publishing House, 2018, 198 p.
In detail
Scientific life S. R. Smirnov
The good name of a man: folklorist Radnai Sherkhunayev
(to the centenary of his birth)
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