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Name: Word-formation type in its lexical realization (to the problem of lacunarity of the word-formation system of Russian language)

Authors: N. D. Golev, I. P. Falomkina

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 166-184
UDK: 81҆36DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/14

Abstract: The paper covers the study of the Russian word-formation system in the aspect of its lexical implementation. The object of study is the word-formation type – the main element of the system under consideration. The functional measurement of the word-formation type remains insuffi-ciently developed in Russian derivatology. There are no reliable tools for the systematic descrip-tion of such characteristics of the word-formation type as productivity and regularity. The authors used Runet search engines because the material obtained through the search engines allows one to objectively describe the potential of the word-formation type and the features of its lexical im-plementation. It was found that each word-formation type appears as a synergistic field in which the lexical energy of reality and the word-formation energy of potentiality are in a relationship of mutual influence. The research material was the derived nouns with the suffixes of femininity and immaturity, formed from the substantives of one thematic group – the names of ungulates. Our study showed that most of the suffixed names of females and calves are found in speech material reflecting the linguistic trends of the present. This is also confirmed by the manifestations of lacunarity, i. e., the vacancy of the cells of word-formation nests and paradigms. The specific research results presented in the paper support the results that are significant for the general theory of word-formation. They show that the existence of the word-formation type in its realized essence immediately reflects its functional potential, directly affecting its productivity.

Keywords: word-formation type, word-formation lacuna, potential of the word-formation system, speech functioning of the word, Internet search engines


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