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Name: The good name of a man: folklorist Radnai Sherkhunayev (to the centenary of his birth)

Authors: S. R. Smirnov

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Scientific life

Issue 2, 2020Pages 318-321
UDK: 398(571.54)(092)ШерхунаевDOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/27

Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the centenary of the Buryat folklorist Radnaya Sherkhunayeva. The main stages of his scientific biography are traced. Attention is paid to the scientist’s contribution to the study of the work of the famous Buryat Ulygershins, first of all, Apollo Toroev, called “Buryat Homer.” The main journalistic works of the scientist and his methodological principles are considered. Also, the contribution of Radnai Sherkhunayev to the description of the pedigree of his countryman, the outstanding playwright A. Vampilov is noted, with consideration given to interesting details of his personal communication with Vampilov’s parents, who were Radnai’s teachers at school. The main methodological aspect of Sherkhunayev’s work is his focus on numerous facts and events, that he knows well and selects meticulously.

Keywords: R. Sherkhunayev, folklore, ulihershins, Irkutsk University, А. Vampilov, Alar, Buryat scientists


Mir Aleksandra Vampilova: Zhizn’. Tvorchestvo. Sud’ba: Materialy k putevoditelyu [The world of Alexander Vampilov: Life. Creativity. Destiny: Materials to the guidebook]. L. V. Ioffe, S. R. Smirnov, V. V. Sherstov (Comps); V. Ya. Kurbatova (Intr.). Irkutsk, Irkutsk regional print- ing house. no. 1, 2000, 448 p.

Sherkhunaev R. A. Alar’ – sud’ba moya: Zhiteyskie byli i vospominaniya [Alar is my destiny: Everyday life stories and memoirs]. A. Rumyantseva (Intr. art.). Irkutsk, Irkutsk regional printing house no. 1, 2001, 104 p.

Sherkhunayev R. A. Apollon Toroev: Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva [Apollo Toroev: Essay on life and creativity]. Irkutsk, Vost.-Sib. kn. izd, 1965, 77 p.

Sherkhunaev R. A. Korni i vetvi: slovo o predkakh i roditelyakh vydayushchegosya dramaturga A. Vampilova) [Roots and branches: A word about the ancestors and parents of the outstanding playwright A. Vampilov]. Ulan-Ude, Soel, 1994, 39 p.

Sherhunaev R. A. Pevtsov blagorodnoe plemya [The noble tribe of singers]. Irkutsk, Vost.- Sib. kn. izd, 1977, 264 p.

Sherkhunaev R. A. Pod solntsem sibirskim: Stat’i i zametki: V 2 t. [Under the Siberian sun: Articles and notes: In 2 vols]. Irkutsk, Megaprint, 2008, vol. 1, 311 p.; vol. 2, 317 p.

Sherhunaev R. A. Skazki i skazochniki Tofalarii [Tales and storytellers of Tofalaria]. 2nd ed. Kyzyl, Tuvin. kn. izd., 1975, 324 p.

Smirnov S. R. Nestor buryatskogo naroda [Nestor of the Buryat people]. Litera: Vestnik fakul’teta filologii i zhurnalistiki IGU 2012. no. 4, pp. 11–14.

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