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Name: The environmental management discourse as an institutional discourse (a case study based on Russian and American Internet resources)

Authors: O. A. Kazakova, E. M. Filippova

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 290-301
UDK: 811.111’276.6’42:004.738.5:504DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/24

Abstract: This study was conducted within a framework of current research directions devoted to the description of new topic-based discourses (sub discourses) being developed in modern speech practice. The purpose of the study was to identify the specific features of the environmental management discourse as a separate form of the institutional discourse and to compare Russian environmental management discourse and American environmental management discourse basing on Internet-resources. The methodology of institutional discourse analysis was used to describe the main characteristics of the discourse reflecting its socio-cultural and communicative-pragmatic features: the main speech genres of discourse, goals, values, and subjects of discourse. The data for this study were collected by means of a continuous sampling method. Given the key concept of environmental management discourse (“prirodopol’zovanie” / “environmental management”), all the Internet resources related to the environmental management discourse were selected from the Internet-search results (with the help of Google search service). As a result, structural and intentional typologies of the Internet resources presenting the Russian virtual environmental management discourse and American virtual environmental management discourse have been compiled. The genre and stylistic content of Internet resources under consideration was characterized. The core objectives and values of the virtual environmental management discourse were identified. The discourse subjects were described. For all the parameters of compared language material, similarities and differences were revealed. A conclusion was drawn that in the modern Internet space, a new thematic institutional discourse − the environmental management discourse was formed. This discourse shows all significant discourse parameters and has national and cultural patterns or characteristics. The differences between Russian and American virtual environmental management discourse are accounted for by the differences in Russian and American cultures and the differences in the state of the environmental management sphere in Russia and America.

Keywords: discourse, ecological discourse, computer-mediated communication, environmental management, speech genre, communicative goal, author, addressee, values


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