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Name: Axiological dominants of the diary genre (based on personal diaries)

Authors: T. G. Rabenko

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 302-313
UDK: 811.161.1'42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/25

Abstract: The paper studies the results of the natural written speech activity of a common language speaker from the point of philological axiology. The axiological dominants of contemporary female teenage culture are researched by the example of personal diaries, written by teenage girls of 15–17 years old. The axiological dominants actualized in the diary discourse are realized in the two components of the diary text semantic structure: 1) informative – in the form of the personally-relevant events, chosen for the diary, 2) (mostly) axiologically-reflexive, which shows the events, reflected in the consciousness of the diary author as the results of author’s interpretation. The axiological dominants of teenage girls’ diaries are influenced by different objects of author’s self-reflection, which are axiologically relevant for the author: the outer world represented by different social subjects, for example, adults, mostly parents, and teenage-mates; and the inner world in the center of which is the personality of the author of the diary. The research reveals some axiological dominants of a diary discourse subject, which are determined by gender and age identity of the diary author and her social status. They are teenager’s self-sufficiency and emotional independence from teachers and parents, personal relevance of a teenager within her age-mates, self-identity in its different aspects: ontological, moral and ethical, educational, and physical. Hence, the axiological analysis of written speech activity of a common language speaker in one of the genre representations can be estimated to be monitoring of a social, mental, and psychological state of some definite social and demographic group. It indicates the major heuristic possibilities of natural written speech studies as the studies of natural written representation of a person’s self-consciousness, given that a person is not to fulfill the self-presentation task and therefore is natural in his speech creative activity.

Keywords: natural written speech, diary, axiological analysis, value, value dominant, teen- ager


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