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Name: Semantic variation of intra-language verb correlations in Siberian Turkic languages and Kipchak languages

Authors: E. V. Tyuntesheva, O. Ju. Shagdurova

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 196-209
UDK: 811.512.151 + 811.512.153:81’373.47DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/16

Abstract: The paper describes the semantic variation of verbs that are common for the languages of Southern Siberia (Altai, Khakas, and Tuvan) and other Turkic languages. The development of meanings and semantic structures of verbs in these languages are investigated. Special attention is paid to the correlations, found in the Siberian region, in the Kirghiz and other Kipchak languages as having influenced the Southern Siberian languages. An analysis is made of the semantic development of Mongolian loanwords in these languages. The following correlations are observed in the languages under study: 1) lexemes derived from all-Turkic stems (all-Turkic, Kipchak, and those typical for Southern Siberian languages); 2) borrowed lexemes, which differ in semantics for various reasons. Among the verbs of both subgroups, the following lexemes are distinguished: a) those with a similar meaning; b) those differing in their basic meaning; c) those differing in their secondary meanings. The regional meanings of all-Turkic verbs and Southern Siberian correlations with Kipchak languages have been identified. It is shown that these languages, particu-larly Altai and Khakass, are similar in some lexemes and semantics, the preservation of old meanings and the development of new ones. These languages, especially Altai, have more correlations with Kipchak languages than Tuvan. In the Kyrgyz languages, some Mongolian loanwords are found, which are typical for the Siberian languages. In the semantic aspect of all-Turkic verb correlations, it is similar to other Kipchak languages. The semantic differences between loan-words in various Siberian languages and Kyrgyz may be explained by the differences in source languages, the original loaned meanings, and further development of verb semantics.

Keywords: Turkic languages of Southern Siberia, Kipchak languages, verbs, lexical-semantic correlations, semantics, Mongolian loanwords


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