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Name: Functioning features of the N1Adv-o model with the predicate expressed by the evaluative adverb in colloquial speech

Authors: A. V. Degaltseva, M. A. Kormilitsyna

Saratov State University, Saratov, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2020Pages 239-246
UDK: 81.367.321DOI: 10.17223/18137083/71/19

Abstract: Semantic and syntactic mechanisms leading to the complication of the meaning of a simple sentence are actively studied in modern linguistics. Colloquial speech is one of the spheres of communication in which syntactic compression is widely represented. This paper analyses how the syntactic N1Adv-o model functions in colloquial speech. In this model, the subject is most often represented by specific nouns that can express a whole situation, often characterized by time parameters. These specific nouns being the subjects of the sentences is the result of one of the syntactic compression processes – nominalization. In this model, the predicate is expressed by the evaluative adverb, usually reflecting a general, mostly positive, assessment, despite the fact that negative evaluations are more widespread in colloquial speech. Other types of assessments include aesthetic, normative, gustatory, intellectual, ethical, and utilitarian ones. The objects of evaluative characterization usually turn out to be the objects of the material world, socio-cultural phenomena and facts, personal qualities. In the N1Adv-o model sentences, functioning in colloquial speech, the speaker manifests himself most often as a subject, not an object of evaluation. The total number of N1Adv-o model sentences is not great. In colloquial speech, their number is about 2.5 % of all sentences with the adverbs that are used in the function of a predicate. According to our observations, the frequency of their use is much lower in other areas of communication (less than 1 %). Thus, the sentences concerned can be considered as the significant characteristic of colloquial speech and are more productive in it. The N1Adv-o model sentences reflect the trend of analytism in the modern Russian language. They are characterized by increased implicitness and, at the same time, by their semantic capacity.

Keywords: syntax, semantic syntax, syntactic compression, nominalisation, evaluation


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