Table of Content of Issue 2, 2017
Study of folklore Yu. V. Limorenko
Artistic devices and stylistic tools in the translation of a folk text:
the problem of the aesthetic function of a translation
In detail E. I. Ismagilova
The present state of the song folklore of the Chuvashes of Siberia
In detail Study of literature L. A. Kurysheva
About the author of the handwritten
«The Prince Archilabon’s Story» (1750)
In detail E. E. Vakhnenko
Alexey Remizov in S. M. Propper’s editions «Birzhevye Vedomosti» and «Ogonyok»:
the History of collaboration (1912–1914)
In detail E. A. Makarova
Modification of a Siberian almanac-type literary collection
and the image of the reader in the early Soviet years
In detail Yu. V. Shatin
The plot code of two poems about the «non-meeting»: «Essay of a room» vs «Spektorsky»
In detail E. Kapinos, E. Kulikova, I. Silantjev
The Russian China as a historical chronicle and a lyrical plot
(«Poem without a Subject» and «Two Stations» by V. Pereleshin)
In detail N. A. Nepomniashchikh
Will to die: the mortal theme in Boris Ryzhy’s poetry
In detail O. N. Zherdeva, E. A. Savochkina
Derivative modelling of genre (on the example of a legal triller)
In detail Linguistics I. Ya. Selyutina, N. S. Urtegeshev
Phonetic changes in the positions of sandhi in the analytical forms of the Turkic verb as a phenomenon of historical memory of the ethnos
In detail Ilyina L. A.
On probable socio-cultural determinants of non-visual sensory perception
evidentials grammemes in diachrony of Northern Asian languages
In detail S. S. Butorin
Typological features
of expressing semantic components of location event in the Ket language:
а structural-semantic analysis of non-verbal predicates
In detail N. V. Bubnova
The principles of selection and description of material
in associative dictionary of the regional proper nouns
In detail A. A. Sosnina
Synonymous connections of the adjective «пустой» in Russian language
In detail L. D. Shagdarov, B. D. Tsyrenov
The derivational nest in mongolian studies in China and Russia
In detail T. G. Rabenko
Problem of primary / secondary speech genre in the context of modern linguistics
In detail T. S. Borisova
Textological Analyses of the Early (before the 14th century Athos corrections)
Versions of the Stichera from the Great Canon by St. Andrew of Crete Service
In detail O. V. Orlova, A. I. Kabankov
Regulativity of precedent text in the internet discourse
(on the material of «Songs about rumors» of Vladimir Vysotsky)
In detail A. L. Khlebnikova
Person viewed through the lens
of gender marked metaphors and gender unmarked metaphors in English
In detail Review S. R. Smirnov, E. O. Falaleeva
New about Vampilov and Rasputin
Rumyantsev A. G. Vampilov. Moscow, Molodaya gvardiya, 2015, 332 p.
(Rumyantsev A. G. Vampilov. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardiya, 2015, 332 p.)
Plekhanova I. I. Aleksandr Vampilov i Valentin Rasputin:
dialog khudozhestvennykh s
In detail |