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Name: Phonetic changes in the positions of sandhi in the analytical forms of the Turkic verb as a phenomenon of historical memory of the ethnos

Authors: I. Ya. Selyutina, N. S. Urtegeshev

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2017Pages 136-158
UDK: 811.512.15.1’342DOI: 10.17223/18137083/59/10

Abstract: The analysis of phonetic changes in the positions of the internal and external sandhi in the verbal analytical constructions (AC) of the three South Siberian Turkic languages – Chalkan, Shor, and Tuvan shows the typological unity of structural conversions of phonic-phonological and grammatical systems of the Altai-Sayan languages, determined by common regional archetype embedded in the genetic memory of ethnic groups. At the same time, the different stages of the process of AC synthesizing – from the full contraction in Chalkan to the earlier loss of independence of lexical components AС in Tuvan – are recorded in the languages at the present phase of their development. If in Chalkan, the contraction of the analytical forms led in many cases to the final loss of transparency of the structure and to the impossibility of isolation of the auxiliary verbs, in Shor, the separation of auxiliary verbs in bi-verbal constructions of analytic origin does not cause any particular difficulties, despite the active processes of loss of independence of the lexical components of AC, their contraction in one word according to the phonotactics rules and the laws of Shor synharmony. The Tuvan language is only beginning the simplification of AC while the closely- related South Siberian Turkic languages, Chalkan and Shor have already experienced this process. The innovative modifications of the sound form of the AC towards their synthesizing are based on the phenomena of desemantization of the components of the verbal forms, weakening of their status, which, in turn, helps in eliminating the pauses between words, merging elements of AC into a single phonetic word, transforming the position of the external sandhi in internal, and realizing the assimilative rules due to newly formed phonetic context. Thus, a comprehensive picture of the historical experience of an ethnic group includes the linguistic aspect, one part of which is the articulatory-acoustic base as the system of pronunciation skills and their acoustic effects which develops in the early stages of the ethnic group formation and is passed down in their dominant features from generation to generation even if the ethnic group changes the language in the process of historical development. The specifics of the sound changes in languages is due to features of the articulatory patterns as basic components of the historical memory of ethnic groups, the cardinal markers of identity.

Keywords: turkic languages of south siberia, verbal analytical constructions, phonetic conversions, sandhi, historical memory


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