Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: The principles of selection and description of material in associative dictionary of the regional proper nouns Authors: N. V. Bubnova Military Academy Army Air Defense Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky, Smolensk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This paper presents the approach to the creation of associative dictionary on the regional onomastic material. The dictionary has been developed on the basis of a research, investigating proper names as a part of the associative and cultural background of the toponym Smolensk region. Analysis of proper nouns revealing rich historical and cultural background of people’s life is especially important at the beginning of the 21st century when the national cultural identity is rapidly being equalized in the process of globalization. In this regard, numerous works devoted to the description of national onomastic space appear. Russian culture should be represented not only by its central part (which is usually described in literature) but also by all other regions of Russia as well. Therefore, of particular importance is the description of regional onomastic material. The main method of this research is the associative experiment. The results obtained have shown the reactions of respondents to be quite complete and precisely reflect the structure of the associative and cultural background of a toponym Smolensk region. The macrostructure of the associative dictionary is formed of five sections. The first section presents the onomastic units which are actually creating an associative and cultural background of a toponym Smolensk region. The second section specifies digit accessory of the described proper names, the third one – thematic accessory. The fourth section gives the description of «the Smolensk communications» of the proper names described. The fifth section provides the frequency index of the reactions creating an associative and cultural background of 12 valid Smolensk onyms which residents of Smolensk steadily associate with an incentive Smolensk region. The proposed method of collecting, processing and developing a lexicography of material can be used in a description of other regional onomastic arrays for the further objective description of the nationwide onomasticon. Keywords: associative-cultural background, associative dictionary, associative experiment, proper name, historical and cultural space of the region, background knowledge, linguistic identity Bibliography: Akhmanova O. S. Slovar’ lingvisticheskikh terminov [Dictionary of linguistic terms]. Moscow, Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1966, 607 p. Bubnova N. V. Imena sobstvennye v strukture regional’nykh fonovykh znaniy smolyan [The proper nouns in the structure of the Smolensk inhabitants’ background knowledge]. Cand. philol. sci. diss. Smolensk, 2011, 285 p. Bubnova N. V. Regional’nye onomasticheskie fonovye znaniya sovremennykh smolyan [The regional onomastic background knowledge of the modern Smolensk inhabitants]. Smolensk, Smolen. gorodskaya tipografiya, 2013, 245 p. 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