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Name: Regulativity of precedent text in the internet discourse (on the material of «Songs about rumors» of Vladimir Vysotsky)

Authors: O. V. Orlova, A. I. Kabankov

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2017Pages 271-278
UDK: 81’42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/59/18

Abstract: The paper identifies the theory of text regulativity in relation to the Internet discourse. Initially, the researchers linked regulativity of a text with its ability to control the cognitive activity of the recipient. The expansion of communicative possibilities of the Internet discourse and new media significantly transforms all the functionality of text generation and text perception. Thus, the regulativity is enriched by the ability of text to stimulate not only receptive but also creative linguistic activities of the communicants. This expansion of regulative capabilities becomes particularly clear in the case of the functioning of precedent texts in Internet communication, which, gradually acquiring an unlimited number of interpretative and reflective comments and interpretations, are actively involved in the evolution of the media sphere. Such texts have a strong regulative potential, i. e. the ability to induce the linguistic personality not only to implicit but also to explicit communicative-reflexive activity as a reaction to the regulative impulse created by precedent text and its elements (author name, keywords, etc.). Explicit activity can manifest itself through different forms – from passive reduplication to the creative transformation of precedent. The facts of the creative activity of some personalities, who are able to generate a text, greatly contribute to the discursive evolution. However, the facts of passive reduplication of the precedent, which are many times greater, testify to the desire of the mass communicant to transfer regulative impulse of the text to other users. In addition, the same text has a different regulative potential in terms of its passive and active reproducibility in different communicative conditions. The authors analyze discursive and sociocultural factors that govern the regulative impulse power of the particular precedent text in online discourse, describing the peculiarities of the existence of the text «Songs about rumors» by Vladimir Vysotsky on the Internet. This precedent is widely used in the headings and epigraphs, arguments, comments to a variety materials, due to the capacity and enduring topicality of popular poetic utterance, as well as its relevance in the case of thematic congruence with the news events of the moment and their interpretations. The authors note that the regulative power of the precedent is determined by thematic and semanticaxiological congruence, as well as by socio-communicative resonance of the secondary text and the source text.

Keywords: precedent text, regulativity, internet discourse, v. vysotsky


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