Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Alexey Remizov in S. M. Propper’s editions «Birzhevye Vedomosti» and «Ogonyok»: the History of collaboration (1912–1914) Authors: E. E. Vakhnenko Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the history of collaboration of A. M. Remizov with the editions of S. M. Propper «Birzhevye Vedomosti» and «Ogonyok». The documentary data of the modernist writer’s relations with the representatives of the editorial boards consist of vast amount of letters basically stored in the personal Remizov’s archives (The Manuscript Department of the Russian National Library, The Manuscript Department of the Research Institute of Russian Literature, Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts), as well as certain letters or small sets of them in the other manuscript collections. The important part of it is the correspondence between Remizov and the editor of «Birzhevye Vedomosti» A. Izmajlov which is interesting as an example of repeatedly changing relations of participants of the literary process, having different aesthetic opinions, evaluations, and preferences. The extracts from Remizov’s publications in the above-mentioned editions are necessary factual materials for throwing light on different aspects of Remizov’s talent and drawing the lines of his creative evolution. Remizov’s literary position and his rich creative potentiality have become apparent not only in his vast artistic heritage of 1912–1914 but also in his unusual answers to the questionnaires regularly published in Propper’s editions. Remizov’s cooperation and correspondence with «Birzhevye Vedomosti» and «Ogonyok» editorial board in this period enabled the authors to reveal the specific features of writer’s work with folk Russian and Bysantine sources and his preferences in their choice. During that period, Remizov proved himself to be an extraordinary personality with manifold interests, strengthened his position as stylist-storyteller and keen thinker, and stabilized his previously uncertain and controversial relations with prominent literary critic and editor A. A. Izmajlov. Keywords: a. m. remizov, a. a. izmajlov, s. m. propper, v. a. bondy, m. m. gakkebush, «birzhevye vedomosti», «ogonyok» Bibliography: Aleksandrov A. S. Aleksandr Alekseevich Izmaylov – kritik, prozaik, zhurnalist [Alexander Alekseevich Izmailov – critic, prose writer, journalist]. Cand. philol. sci. diss. St. Petersburg, 2008, 192 p. Aleksey Mikhaylovich Remizov: Bibliografiya (1902–2013) [Aleksey Remizov: Bibliography (1902–2013)]. E. R. Obatnina, E. E. Vakhnenko (auth. and comp.). St. Petersburg, Izd. “Pushkinskiy Dom”, 2016, 834 p. Volshebnyy mir Alekseya Remizova: Katalog vystavki. Muzey istorii S.-Peterburga [The magic world of Alexei Remizov: Catalog of the exhibition. Museum of history in St. Petersburg]. A. M. Gracheva (Ed.). St. Petersburg, Khronograf, 1992, 63 p. Kodryanskaya N. Aleksey Remizov. Paris, 1959, 333 p. Makushev V. Yuzhnorusskie skazaniya po rukopisi biblioteki Ossolinskikh vo L’vove [South Russian legends in the Ossolinsky library in Lviv manuscript]. Journal of the Ministry of National Education. 1881, pt 217, pp. 94–112.Neizdannaya perepiska Bloka: Perepiska s A. M. Remizovym (1905–1920). Vstup. st. Z. G. Mints; publ. i komment. A. P. Yulovoy [Blok’s unpublished correspondence with A. M. Remizov (1905– 1920). Introductory art. by Z. G. Mints; Publ. and comment. by A. P. Yulova]. Literary heritage. Vol. 92, pt 2. Alexander Blok: New Materials and Research. Moscow, Nauka, 1981, pp. 63–127. O vypade g. Gor’kogo protiv Dostoevskogo: Mneniya pisateley [Gorky’s attack on Dostoevsky: Opinions of writers]. Birzhevye vedomosti. 8 Oct. 1913, no. 13792, p. 5. Otkazat’sya li ot vstrechi Novogo goda [Would we refuse the New Year party?]. Birzhevye vedomosti. 31 Dec. 1914, no. 14584, p. 4.Otkazat’sya li ot elki? [Would we refuse the Christmas tree?]. Birzhevye vedomosti. 15(28) Dec. 1914, no. 14556, p. 4. Pisateli na letnem otdykhe [Writers on summer holidays]. Birzhevye vedomosti. 21 August 1913, no. 13710, p. 3. Rozanov Yu. V. Fol’klorizm A. M. Remizova: Istochniki, genezis, poetika [Folklorism of A. M. Remizova: Sources, genesis, and poetics]. Vologda, Vologodskiy state ped. univ., 2008, 267 p. Sobolevskiy A. I. Retsenziya na knigu O. Kalitovskogo “Materialy do russkoy literatury apokrifichnoy” [Book review on “Materials before the Russian literature apocryphal” by O. Kalitovskiy]. Journal of the Ministry of National Education. 1885, pt 241, p. 157–161. Samoubiystvo [“Suicide”]. Birzhevye vedomosti. 26 April (9 May) 1912, no. 12907, p. 4. |
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