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Name: Problem of primary / secondary speech genre in the context of modern linguistics

Authors: T. G. Rabenko

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2017Pages 235-248
UDK: 811.161.1’42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/59/16

Abstract: Once denoted by M. M. Bakhtin as one of the most important issues for the language science, the problem of primary / secondary speech genre still has not been interpreted theoretically in contemporary linguistics. The meaningful part of concepts «primary / secondary speech genre» and the nature of their relation are treated differently. This work investigates the main directions of solving this problem. They are based on different understandings of nature of primary / secondary speech genre, criteria of their differentiation, the nature of the relationship between these types of genre formations. In the view of these trends, the secondary speech genre is represented as: 1) ontological derivation from the primary genre. Having different functional and stylistic spheres of existence, secondary speech genre and its genre prototype discover some universal genre characteristics identifying the speech genre in various communication areas and having the ability to some transformation and stylistically conditioned signs provoked by new conditions of the speech genre realization. 2) compositional feature of a text being due to the complexity of its verbal construction (especially the dialogue). Secondary speech genre acts as a systemic phenomenon that represents a complex combination of a number of speech acts. Primary speech genre is identical to the concept of speech act. 3) some level of abstraction of textual activity along with such levels as «speech act», «illocutionary component» (A. Virbicka); «hypergenre», «subgenre» (K. F. Sedov), «text», «cogniotype », «sub-type», «text-type» (A. G. Baranov) etc. In general, it is found that these directions do not contradict each other. We deal with selection of different types of secondary (and primary) speech genres, different types of secondary (derivatives): a) the transformation of the simple primary units in complex secondary one due to the changes in the speech genre scope; b) merging (transformation) of several simple primary units in complex secondary one without changing the scope of operation; c) the formation of complex secondary units such as systemic-structural speech education, corresponding to a certain (other than the initial unit) level of abstraction of textual activities, a step in a vertical model ensuring text integrity.

Keywords: speech genre, the primary speech genre, the secondary speech genre, m. bakhtin, theory of speech genres


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