Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 3, 2018

Study of folklore

Zhanna M. Yusha
Cultural codes in the ritual tradition of the Tuvans of China
In detail

Аlyona B. Grigor’eva
The local features of wedding drama in Middle Pritobolye and Priisetye
In detail

Vladimir I. Karasik, Li Yingying
Axiological specificity of Chinese fairy tales
In detail

Ekaterina L. Tiron
«The Kozhamyk» genre in the song tradition of Bai-Tayga district of Tuva
In detail

Study of literature

Eliza Malek
On the newly found exempla from the Russian translation of Gesta Romanorum
In detail

Ludmila I. Zhurova
The message of Metropolitan Daniel to the starets Dionysius of Zvenigorod
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Maria Yu. Zhavoronkova
The poetics of wedding plot in the literary works of N. Gogol: failed wedding
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Elena K. Sozina
Symbol and symbolism in the works of K. F. Zhakov
In detail

Galina A. Zhilicheva
Role of the Moliere intertext in «Harpagoniana» by Konstantin Vaginov
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Elena A. Papkova
«Armored Train 14-69» by Vsevolod Ivanov: a genetic dossier
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Alexandr I. Kulyapin, Elena A. Khudenko
The plot of «a provincial in the capital» in the works of V. M. Shukshin
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Vyacheslav A. Sukhanov
Axiology of the author and the hero in Victor Astafyev’s short novels of the 1990s: «The Jolly Soldier»
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Yuriy L. Troitsky
Narrative encounters of social and cultural threats in ego-documents (from motifs to semantic fields)
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Vladimir K. Vasilev
On the archetypical approach to the analysis of female images-characters (written and oral text)
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Elena А. Poleva
The semantics of the image of a house in the novel of Lena Eltang «Other drums»
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Alexandr E. Anikin
On the origin of some Russian Siberian words from the sphere of material culture. II. Water transport: «сойма», «буса», «камья» («комяга», «комляга», «коняги»), «барка», «халка»
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Boris Yu. Norman, Mikhail Yu. Mukhin
Lexical and grammatical semantics: a corpus-based statistical study of lexical semantic groups
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Svetlana S. Zemicheva, Ekaterina V. Ivantsova
The project of Tomsk dialect corpus in keeping with trends of corpus linguistics development
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Vladimir A. Ivanov
Sound iconic words in folklore for children (in Finno-Ugric languages)
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Valentin I. Rassadin, Svetlana M. Trofimova, Luvsandorzh Bold
Turkic-Mongolian parallels among the terms of spiritual culture in Mongolian languages
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Gunsema N. Chimitdorzhieva
The root morpheme bur-/pur- in the Mongolian languages
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Ludmila A. Shamina
Grammaticalization of Tuvan models of bipredicative constructions: subject constructions
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Irina V. Shaposhnikova
Psychoglosses of the civilizational identity of Russian students (based on large-scale associative experiments)
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Maria Yu. Rossikhina
Youth sociolect as a historical and international phenomenon
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Andrey G. Fomin, Stepan S. Kalinin
Linguistic-cultural transfer of mythological imagery on the example of the fairytale drama «The Sunken Bell» («Die versunkene Glocke»)
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Ludmila I. Gorbunova
Book review: Skovorodnikov A. P. Ecology of the Russian Language: A Monogr. Krasnoyarsk, SFU Publ., 2016, 388 p.
In detail

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