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Name: Axiological specificity of Chinese fairy tales

Authors: Vladimir I. Karasik, Li Yingying

Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russia; Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin, China

In the section Study of folklore

Issue 3, 2018Pages 27-35
UDK: 82.09-22DOI: 10.17223/18137083/64/3

Abstract: The paper deals with values expressed in Chinese fairy tales. We argue that folklore tales make a heterogeneous variety of texts which can be represented in a genre field including prototype and marginal communicative entities (the former includes magic heroes and artefacts whereas the latter lacks them). Fairy tales as a genre are characterised by manifested edification which can be expressed as a commentary to a tale content. Such a commentary to the narrative contains an obligation indicator which is to be understood as a practical piece of advice to listeners concerning their future life. Ethnographically, it is possible to contradistinguish universal and specific features in fairy tales content. The former include typical scenarios of magical plot development and typical human qualities which deserve praise or dispraise (love, heroism, gratitude, on the one hand, and avarice, slyness and foolishness, on the other), the latter deal with peculiarities of local culture. Such peculiarities expressed in Chinese fairy tales focus on the aesthetic presentation of the world, respect to parents and elderly people, the priority of collective will, as compared to the individual benefit, and severe criticism of social injustice. Gender stereotypes in Chinese fairy tales reflect the differentiation of masculine and feminine behaviour as manifested in folklore texts. A man is depicted as a simple person who has to undergo various trials, and after he becomes stronger and wiser whereas a woman as the main character has some magic properties, she is beautiful and wise, but she actually does not change. A younger brother is depicted in fairy tales analysed as a positive character whereas an elder brother is the embodiment of prodigality, greed and envy. In the end, an elder brother is usually punished, and the younger brother is awarded for his kind heart and modesty. Imperial officers and guards are depicted in Chinese fairy tales as ruthless and entirely corrupted personalities, suggesting that social hierarchy in ancient China was disregarding the life of ordinary people, and the justice could be restored only by magic. It is interesting that an emperor may be either evil or neutral, but his ministers and landlords are always wicked. Chinese fairy tales reflect values of everyday peasant life in the country, focusing on hard labour, endurance, filial piety and optimism.

Keywords: Chinese fairy tales, narrative, values, ethnic cultural specificity, edification


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