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Name: The local features of wedding drama in Middle Pritobolye and Priisetye

Authors: Аlyona B. Grigor’eva

Kurgan State University, Kurgan, Russian Federation

In the section Study of folklore

Issue 3, 2018Pages 17-26
UDK: 392.5(470.58)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/64/2

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the research of the types of Russian wedding in Zauralye, which were formed in specific historical, geographical, demographic, social, economic conditions. Locus «Middle Pritobolye» is a significant area of West Siberia. The population of this area was displaced from the Northern provinces since the end of the 17th century. The Old Believers’ villages of Priisetye were formed at the end of the 17th century. Analysis of the investigated materials allows speaking about a primary role of the north traditions in the formation of the wedding ceremonies in Middle Pritobolye and Priisetye in the 17th – 18th centuries. These traditions were the basis of weddings in these regions. Archaic beliefs and ancient ceremonies are better preserved here than in other places. A feature of these regions is the stability of the life of people, the absence of significant internal migration, and the absence of large cities. The main migration flows in Middle Pritobolye and Priisetye influenced the formation and stability of the main local components of the wedding ceremony's structure. Such wedding ceremonies as matchmaking, engagement, church wedding and wedding feast, as well as bathing ceremony for the young couple are typical of the Russian North. They show the stability of the Northern wedding tradition in Zauralye until the mid-20th century. Comparison of archival and published materials about wedding ceremony of regions analysed allows seeing different varieties of weddings. They differ from each other but have many significant similarities in the main components of its content and form. The wedding became eventually more and more diverse, with the canons being weakened, some components disappearing and the others being changed. The stability of local traditions was provided using the custom to celebrate the wedding by the tradition of bride’s village. That is why the traditions of various villages did not mix. Both typological and specific features are identified in weddings of these regions. By the middle of 20th century, the decomposition of wedding ended. The wedding ceremony structure was shortened, with some customs disappearing and the others losing their former importance. By the 1940s, many rituals were reinterpreted, and a tendency for certain rituals to be transformed into games was observed.

Keywords: Wedding, Zauralye, Middle Pritobolye, Priisetye, the structure of the wedding ceremony, matchmaking, engagement, agreement, bridal shower, bathing ceremony, «gathering of matchmakers», church wedding


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