Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: On the archetypical approach to the analysis of female images-characters (written and oral text) Authors: Vladimir K. Vasilev Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper suggests the method of analysis of images-characters which can be applied to any literary work (in Russian literature) given that it has any psychologically developed female character. The basic research technologies are the motif analysis strictly limited to structuraltypological approach; the doctrine of C. G. Jung about archetypes as the content of «unconscious collective»; the plot-motif complexes or models based on creations which have characters of «kind» and «evil wives». When analysing the archetypical images concerned, the term «motif» was added with the term «psychoanalytic motif». It does not contradict with Jung’s theory considering «psychoanalytical motif» as an «extra ancient archetypical psychological structure». For the experimental integrity, the plot-motif complexes have been reconstructed on the basis of bible- Byzantine-Old Russian sources. The study revealed that structural models have the form of binary opposition. «Kind wife» is a God-loving, faithful, angelic, merciful, generous, honest, hardworking, silent, loving, organiser (of the house, of generation) and so on. «Evil» is a heretic (a witch, sorceress), loose woman (minx), arrogant (power-loving), fierce, greedy, false, lazy, vixenish, hateful, destroyer. The plots about «kind» and «evil» wives have the same antinomic nature. The plot about «kind» wife is full of motives of happiness, joy, security and revival. The plot about the «evil» wife is full of motives of boredom, grief, despondency, a scent of trouble, misfortune. It is a plot of damnation and chaos. A direct genetic connection between literary and oral ancient texts and texts of New time was found: they all have common plot-motive complexes. In particular, we present the survey findings (summer 2017) of Angara Region (Krasnoyarsk kray) long-term residents on the theme of «kind» and «evil» wives. These findings conclusively reveal the safety of «archetypical matrix» among province residents. This analytical technology allows talking about a correct approach to literary text study or precise literary criticism. The strategy of searching for precise methods of analysis first appeared in Russian science in the works of A. N. Veselovskiy (1838–1906) in the second part of 19th century. The last try to find universals which run through the cultural texts is associated with Y. M. Lotman, the head of «Tartu-Moscow structural school». Keywords: Russian literature, oral narrative, method, archetype, psychoanalysis, typology, female characters Bibliography: Barmina V. E. Fenomen zhenstvennosti v kul’ture Srednevekov’ya (na materiale artefaktov pis’mennoj kul’tury Vizantii i Drevnej Rusi VI–XVII vv.) [Phenomenon of femininity in the culture of the Middle Ages (based on the artefacts of written culture of Byzantium and Ancient Rus of 6–17th centuries)]. Abstract of cand. cult. sci. diss. 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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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