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Name: Grammaticalization of Tuvan models of bipredicative constructions: subject constructions

Authors: Ludmila A. Shamina

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2018Pages 246-254
UDK: 81’366; 81’367DOI: 10.17223/18137083/64/22

Abstract: The paper focuses on the issues of grammaticalization of Tuvan verbal constructions (VC). The author analyses specific lexical elements of the bipredicative models resulting in the formation of new (monopredicative) models on the basis of constructions with nominal predicates. It is predicative units (SPU) and meanings expressed by them. Lexemes with an ability to evaluate dictum positions expressed by predicative subjects serve as predicates of main predicative units (MPU). The paper studies the grammaticalized SPU that formally fulfil the subject functions and serve primarily to record the results of mental operations regarding the events of reality (evaluation, classification, identification, etc.). The pragmatic evaluative component of lexemes demonstrates the speaker’s attitude towards the denoted object or the addressee of one’s speech, and also carries the specific information regarding the speech actions that may be performed with the help of these lexemes. Based on evaluative semantics, the formally main PU is replaced by pronouns, verbs, and (in most cases) evaluative lexemes, resulting in the emergence of regular, frequent grammaticalized constructions. Such constructions, confirming the existence/nonexistence of various facts, their certainty/ uncertainty, and their correlation with various circumstances (or lack thereof) by means of their evaluative components, can be defined as grammaticalized syntactic (analytical) constructions, with predicates possessing broad evaluative meanings. Such models of subject constructions may be used to broaden the variety of characteristics of finite predicates. Unlike the bipredicative complement constructions, these grammaticalized constructions contain lexical forms that lack case valence in their modus predicates.

Keywords: bipredicative constructions, grammaticalization, models, subject constructions, predicates, analytical constructions, Tuvan language


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