Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 3, 2017

Study of folklore

T. E. Vladimirova
The sacred code of Eurasian myths about a totem-ancestor
In detail

Zh. M. Yusha
Ritual folklore of the Tuvans of China in a comparative perspective: genre signs
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Study of literature

T. E. Zinkevich
«The Life and Praise of Nicetas the Stylite»: hagiographic Canon and especially its implementation
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E. E. Anisimova
Sculptural codes of Russian literature: on the history of perception of the monument to V. A. Zhukovsky
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Yu. S. Serjagina
Siberian prerevolutionary periodicals as the context for the cultural transfer: translations of the Lermontov’s poems from German and reception of the F. Bodenstedt’s heritage
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I. A. Ayzikova
«A notebook with different poems of various authors» of N. N. Naumov as a reflection of his reader interests (1900–1901)
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E. E. Zavyalova
The poetics of reflections in the F. N. Gorenstein’s novel «Traveling Companions»
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A. I. Pantuhina
The metaphysical world in the consciousness of the characters of a novel «The Psalm» by F. Gorenstein
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A. V. Malkova
Situations of speaking in the novel of V. Makanin «The Underground, or a Hero of Our Time»
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N. S. Chizhov
Rhyme by I. F. Zhdanov in the aspect of historical and literary context
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V. I. Rassadin, S. M. Trofimova
Turkic-Mongolian parallels among terms of consanguinity and connection in Mongolian languages
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A. E. Anikin
On the origin of some Russian words from the sphere of material culture. I. Water transport: «коч», «бат», «ветка»
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L. N. Gishkaeva, Ju. N. Ebzeeva, N. V. Dubinina, V. V. Barabash, A. N. Shirobokov
Cultural connotations of the Russian zoonym «wolf» and its equivalents in the English, Spanish and Chechen languages
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Z. I. Rezanova
Subjective Images of Time in Modern Slavic Languages: Diminutive Models
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I. V. Vysotskaya
Peripheral feminine nouns: what is the difference between «paradnaya» and «naryadnaya», «uchitjelskaya» and «parikmaherskaya»
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N. V. Kozlova, M. K. Movchan
German prefixed verbs with the root morpheme «lass-» and their equivalents in the modern English language
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E. A. Libert
The structure of the noun-noun phrase in German of Western Siberia
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L. A. Shamina
Constructions with recognizing-purposive semantics in Tuvan language
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A. V. Bayyr-ool, N. N. Shirobokova
On Tuvan particle «bolza»
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O. V. Nikolaeva, Chen Shumei (陈淑梅), M. E. Panina
Cross-cultural paremiology: Chinese proverbs and sayings in Chinese English language mass media
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Wang Xinghua
Russian and Chinese youth jargon as manifestations of national linguistic culture and scientific objects of study
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A. V. Proskurina
Communicative extension of biblical formulae and its transference in the tradition
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M. I. Gritsko
Towards the idea of semantic tagging of associative databases in the evaluative aspect (on the material of the Russian regional associative database – SIBAS)
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Ye. V. Bentya
On the process of westernization of Russian language consciousness (a case study of non-frequent associative pairs with proper names)
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E. B. Chernishova
Subjective content of sign images and stages of its description on the basis of nuclear units of language consciousness of primary school students
In detail

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