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Name: Towards the idea of semantic tagging of associative databases in the evaluative aspect (on the material of the Russian regional associative database – SIBAS)

Authors: M. I. Gritsko

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2017Pages 269-285
UDK: 81’23DOI: 10.17223/18137083/60/23

Abstract: The paper examines relevant processes of the ethnocultural identification of Russian young people from Siberia and the Far East which have developed under the influence of national value systems as reflected in the associative verbal net using evaluative markers. Various aspects of the identity of young Russians presented in the associative fields received with a difference in 20 years are considered on the material of the Russian regional associative database – SIBAS (2008–2013) and the Russian associative dictionary – RAS (1994–1998). The identification signs, distinguished in the associative sources, which characterise the formation of new Russian identity and also the general, unstable nature of the self-identification processes, are consistent with the data of sociological surveys. It is suggested to identify and analyse numerous aspects of the outside world perception and self-determination of a youth part of modern society, particularly, its valuable orientation, in the associative verbal net through the images of language consciousness by marking out the evaluative meanings. In this regard, the author substantiates the idea of developing a professional linguistic tagging system of associative databases in the evaluative aspect. A detailed research scheme of the evaluative functional characteristics is proposed (in particular, the ambivalent meanings). The identification of evaluative dominants is carried out locally (in some semantic groups of associates) and globally (regarding all SIBAS associates). According to the proposed scheme, a preliminary comparative analysis was performed on the example of the associative fields representing the core image of the Russian language consciousness – HUMAN. Several Russian language dictionaries of different types were used to support and verify the associative data. The author places emphasis on the need for further study of the evaluative meaning distribution in the associated fields depending on the word-stimulus evaluation, the analysis of the emergence of ambivalent meanings as the additional “indicators” of valuable social orientation, and systematisation of automatic search methods of necessary evaluative information in the associative data bases.

Keywords: associative database, associative-verbal net, sibas, linguistic tagging, national value systems, evaluative dominants, evaluative markers, ambivalent meanings, ethnocultural identification


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